Nice Day For A Date

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I was  freaking out. Instead of a small pocket knife there was a condom in the envelope, I stood there thinking about why there was a condom. And thought about Sakura being mentioned in the letter. and without second thought the Uzumaki thought that this  mysterious letter was from someone that wanted to rape Sakura, but he never reread the letter and never noticed that the letter said " I put the thing in the envelope so try to guess what I'll do to you if you tell"

The Uzumaki thought that if he told the cops the mysterious person might actually do something to Sakura, so he made himself a promise to protect Sakura, but he didn't know that being near Sakura put her live in danger. Naruto just had the condom in his hands, thinking about the situation until his phone rang. It was Sakura, he picked it up and started talking to her, but he never mentioned about the letter since it might make Sakura worried. But little did he know that there was a small device watching him from not to far.

Skip time talking

Naruto and Sakura were talking about there date and all the things they'd do. But it was getting late and they both needed to wake up early for there date in the morning, but right before hanging up Naruto heard Sakura say "I love you, you idiot" and he just smile so brightly and said "I love you too Sakura~Chan". But he wasn't aware of the small LIVE camera that saw and heard his every move, he was getting his beloved Sakura closer to death by the second.

After the call ended, Naruto went to the bathroom to take a shower, but Naruto's apartment was filed with hidden cameras even in private places such as the bathroom. Naruto was putting on a whole show for the viewer, who just watched as he drooled at his computer screen while looking at the Uzumaki undress. Naruto took a quick 15 minute shower at hopped out, he was drying his hair and the rest of his body leaving his member fully exposed to the camera.

Naruto dried the rest of his body and finally covered his member, leaving a disappointed  audience. He got out of his bathroom and into his pajamas, he wanted something  to eat so he went to the kitchen and made instant Ramen. After he ate he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth, and went back into his bedroom and closed his door. He went to bed ready for tomorrow and not ready for tonight.

After 2 hours of Naruto sleeping


At 2 am snuck in a 5,11 tall male dressed in all black with a bag full of tools. He successfully opened the door with few problems pick locking it, he got in without a sound. And started taking all the cameras from their hiding spots and replacing them with new ones. He placed a big yellow envelope on top of the table, and made his way into Naruto's room he opened the door as quietly as he could but, failed because of the creaking noise the door made. He got in the room and took off his hoodie and pulled down his facemask to revel Uchiha Sasuke. Sasuke just stared at Naruto like he was made out of gold, until the Uchiha kissed the Uzumaki and kept at it for almost 30 minutes. He decided to leave his sleeping so called snoring beauty to sleep, he left the door opened to give him a good scare, but it's unlikely he'd noticed but he will surely will see the envelope left.

Back to Naruto 

I woke up feeling offly weird, and noticed that my lips were swollen. But I didn't pay much attention to it, I stand up form my bed and noticed that my door my was opened. "Didn't I close it last night" I question myself but just ignored it and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth.i was way more awake after brushing and I was in a good mood since today I had a beautiful date, I made my way to the kitchen and noticed a big yellow envelope on my kitchen table. I knew that I wasn't tripping someone broke into my apartment last night, I started to panic but soon calmed down since I was okay and the person didn't  hurt me. I step into the kitchen and opened the envelope, there was that same glued letters on the page as the last two did. I started to read the card "you know I told you to not go out with Sakura but you didn't listen, so we will just have to do it the hard way Naru~Kun. if you go out with Sakura I won't think twice of using what inside the envelope"

"Ps. If you go out with her I'll send you a present"

I was not going to let this no front facing bastard hurt Sakura. I toke out the other thing inside the envelope it was a big, long Conga line of condoms. There was at least 20 of them, and I slammed the condoms into the table in frustration, I got into the shower. I wasn't going to miss my date for some stupid creep that I don't even know too ruin it with some stupid letters. I got out and dressed up in ( he wore this I'm not about to write that much detail )

After the date

Naruto was extremely exhausted after the date with Sakura. He enjoyed the date very much mostly the end, because Naruto and Sakura shared a kiss underneath a sakura tree. At that moment I asked if she would like to be my girlfriend, and she said yes! Even though I was happy and all, but getting dragged around by a girl isn't  quite my specialty. When I made it home  I threw  my pants and sweater somewhere leaving me in my shirt and boxer.

I just wished I spend more time with Sakura, if I'd olny knew today was the last time I would ever see her again.


Word count: 1,036 words

Why did you chose her over me? yandere Sasuke x NarutoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant