Chapter 7

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Lane P.O.V
I stand outside the mansion. It was big it had beautiful lights and a gate. I wished I lived here. But I didn't. After an hour of laying on the floor in my house and feeling used I came here. Maybe I could just get away for a few hours.

I didn't have to worry about any of the other things. I didn't have to worry about my dad or the beatings. 

I knock on the door twice. I heated footsteps running to it. So there we two people? The door widely opens and there's Knox? He lived here? Julia was his sister?

I stood there looking at Knox for a few seconds. I couldn't believe he lived here. He was rich like really rich.

"Hey come on in...don't even acknowledge my brother's existence." Julia says pushing Knox out of the way.

"Thanks." I say softly walking in the door.

"Mom this is Lane remember for the project?" Julia says to the young looking lady making dinner.

"It's nice to meet you." She says turning around and hugging me after she washed her hands.

"Well we are going up stairs...Knox don't bother me and my new friend." Julia says getting her book bag and rolling her eyes.

"I've already met her." He says smirking at me with a twinkle in his eye.

Why does my heart start to race when he's near by? Is that weird.

I follow after Julia up the spiral staircase. This house was nothing compared to mine. Mine was dumpy, old and raggedy.

"So here's my room." She says opening the door and walking in and laying in her bed.

Her walks were grey and some banners were hung up.

"How did you meet my brother." Asked Julia sitting up.

"Um...we have english class together." I say in a low voice sitting on her bed too.

I rip open my book bag and get a binder with notes in it.

"I'm stupid obviously I am in English class with you guys." She says putting her hand over her face smacking lightly.

I didn't say anything back. I looked at the piece of paper in my binder thinking what to do with it. What could I write? I could write about my life but it's sad.

I take my pen out and start writing. I constructs on the words I'm saying. Like really focus.

My life by Lane Vince and Julia Ford

Our lives are similar in ways. We both like going to the pool, going to the park.

I stop there and cross out everything. This doesn't even sound like me. It sounds maybe like her but I had to disguise my life. No one would figure it out.

"Maybe if you write down your life separately and I write mine down separately too we could come up with something?" Julia says taking out a pen and paper too.

"Why didn't I think of that?" We both laugh as I said it.

I hear footsteps stop at the door. I didn't know who it was though. I just didn't care.

This was way better then getting hurt at home. If I would even call it home.
Thank you for reading my loves❤️

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