Chapter 8

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Knox P.O.V
I sit still outside Lane's house. I got here two hours early. I just wanted to make sure that man didn't hurt her. I cared to much about her to ignore it.

She finally walks out of the house with a look on her face I can't decipher. But I know it was sad or scared. This are the only looks on her face ever.

She walks down the pathway holding her pink backpack. Why does she look so cute?

Shut up brain.

I start the engine of my car and drive up next to her. She stops walking for a second. She looks tense and I don't know why.

"Hey it's Knox I won't hurt you." I say unlocking the car door.

"Let me give you a ride." I say putting my hands on the steering wheel.

She doesn't say anything. She just looks at me and opens the car door. I see her flinch as she sits down. Why did she do that?

"You ok?" I ask putting my hand on her thigh.

Why the fuck did I do that. I quickly take my hand away.

Jesus dude your killing it.

"Sorry." I say putting my hands up.

She still doesn't say a word. She leans down to grab something out of her book bag making her sleeve. I see a purple bruise that covers her wrist. A blue one that looks like it was just put there.

She sees me staring and her eyes go wide as she pulls it down. I stop the engine of the car. I turn the keys and turn her way.

"Who did that to you?" I ask angrily at her.

She doesn't look at me she just looks at the window.

"Who the fuck did that to you Lane?!" I say a little louder making her flinch back into her seat.

I let out a sigh and sit back.

"We are not leaving this car until you tell me what happened." I say turning my head to her.

"I just tripped...I promise." She says in a low voice sounding hurt.

"Lane I'm sorry ok..I just I don't like people getting hurt I never did." I say moving my hand to her thigh.

Stop fucking moving my hand dumbass.

She seems tense all the sudden and my heart starts to race once again.

"I kinda deserved that for not talking to you..I was just surprised you were" She says finally looking at me.

Her eyes showed fear hidden in them. Her words felt like she didn't have anybody. She felt lonely.

"Well let's get going." I say starting the car back up.

What the hell was I feeling? I was nervous for the first time in my life in front of a girl.

"From now on I will be waiting for you in front of your house." I say tapping the steering wheel.

"That's what friends are for right?" I say shrugging my shoulders.

Lane nods and focuses on the road in front of us. We were friends.

Thank you for reading my loves❤️

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