chapter 1 🌑

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eclipse was a dark planet, the sun would shine, but the aura was always violently dark. the towns people wore only dark colors and the village the same. the only sound that filled your ears as you sat on the balcony accompanied by your family, the royals of eclipse, was the clatter of horse hooves and the towns people clapping for the oncoming company.

"josh sit up. you must act accordingly" your mother scolded your brother.

he huffed and rolled his eyes, never showing any emotion. you were raised to never allow anyone to see your feelings, as that gives people a window into your life, and that is when people question if you are capable of ruling

you glance at your father, the king of the planet, he does just as he taught you; with a blank face and hollowed eyes he scans the crowd. guards line the castle and the outer rim of the village, their blasters firmly held to their chests. their helmets are black and allow no view in.

as the carriage that holds your waiting company finally stops itself in view of the balcony you are resting on, storm troopers pile out one by one, lining the exit and facing each other once stood in their designated spots.

a man with red hair shuffles out of the carriage next, looking up and squinting slightly in order to look up at your balcony. he bows slightly and comes forward till he is in better view to your father. more men in all black make their way out, standing next to the red haired man until the last one was making their way to the door of the carriage.

it was quiet now, not a soul said a word as the figure adorned in all back and a helmet covering their appearance was finally out. your mother sat up straighter to get a better look.

"y/n" your brother mumbles leaning over to you from your right, holding his chin in between his thumb and pointer finger

you turn your head slightly, signaling him to carry on, never taking your eyes off the shielded man

"that's your company" he says, lifting his chin a bit to look over the balcony banister. looking in the same direction as you were.

"I see" is all you could say. you have no idea why they are here exactly, or why your parents insisted on you and your brother being present. your mother and father never made you come to any affairs they had, you didn't even know you were allowed to.

"thank you all for coming" your father says, standing up and clasping his hands together in front of him. the towns people bow slightly, so does the storm troopers.

"should we move this engagement to the dining room?" one of the servants ask your father, he ponders for a moment, then nods and signals the guards to move the guests into the castle. they obliged, and follow them into the main doors

your father was first to leave the balcony, then your mother, brother, and finally you. you let go of the air you were holding in and moved your feet in the direction of your quarters, when a hand stopped you.

"princess y/n" the voice says, you snap your head in the direction of the noise.

your personal servant aaliyah was looking at you, worried expression on her face. she was one of the only people you have ever known to any show emotion.

"yes, aaliyah?" you replied, using a bit of annoyance in your voice, just enough to get the point across.

"one of the guests would like to meet with you, your highness." she mutters, trying to keep her voice down.

"and who might that be?" you wondered, hoping she would just go away so you could be alone, like you always are.

"supreme leader kylo ren, your highness"

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