1 year later....

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• still in the flashback. we will get back to the present very soon. we need to cover Chance & Sophia back story.•

Sophia paced the bathroom floor. Chance sat on the toilet with the seat down staring at her chuckling. "This isn't funny C!" "It actually is watching you get all worked up like this" "How could we be so irresponsible. I'm not even 19 yet and this is happening. Look what you did to me with your ... lovemaking and shit." "You love my lovemaking that's why we're in this predicament" "You're not scared?!" "Why would I be?" "Really?" "I know what happens when I have raw sex and don't pull out Sophia. I would've been scared if it was anybody else." "So because it's me you're just... okay." "Definitely. I love you Sophia so why would I freak out that you're having a baby?" "ALLEGEDLY" "High possibility" "Nigga shut up. I'm 18. 18! I'm a bartender for crying out loud and I'm fucking the boss" "Which you haven't complained about so why are you bringing it up?" "I need something to snap about until these results pop-" The 4 pregnancy tests on the counter beeped at the same time causing Sophia to run to the sink. She picked up two of them.
Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant- Pregnant.

"Oh shit, shit, shit, SHIT." Chance looked at the tests seeing pregnant and his chest overfilled with happiness. "Soph." "I'm gonna pass out." "Calm down, hey. Look at me. Calm down." "I'm going to be a mom, there's a growing living person inside of me right now" "So you want to keep it?" Sophia looked at him like he had 3 heads. "Nigga yes! What's wrong with you?" "No, I'm just asking because you were just bantering about being pregnant at 18." "For fuck's sake. It was an anxious banter. I banter a lot when I'm anxious and scared." "Yeah, I can see that babe." "Oh my god. A baby." "Let me call the doctor so we can get you an ultrasound" "Okay, I.. whoa a baby."

Chance calls his personal doctor and she says she will be over with her tech team right away. Sophia sits at the counter on the phone biting her nails. Chance is holding himself together but he's freaking out the inside. A baby. He's about to be a father. In many ways he's always wanted to be a dad but not with the wrong person. Sophia is every bit of the right person for him.

For over the past year she became his partner in life. She helps with his finances, his club, keeps the bottle girls together, and keeps him together. Sophia ran through Chance's blood and he couldn't function without her. He knew he made the right choice dropping Paige before pursuing Sophia. Now she's about to bring his first child into the world. Well, in about 9 months.

"Yeah, Uncle Jordan I'm okay. Any luck finding your daughter since you've been back? You have, oh she's pregnant? How far long? Oh shes about ready to have the baby by now shit, were waiting on the doctor to get here so that we can see if there's really an ingrown child inside of me." "Which there is" Chance says into the phone before kissing her forehead. "Which he's confident there is. But, I- Uncle Jor-" "What's he saying?" Chance asked. "Yes, I'll let Chance have this moment. Jesus, why do you always take his side? BeCaUsE hE's TaKiNg GoOd CaRE oF mE. Alright. Yeah, you can call me later. Love you too, bye." Chance smirks sipping his orange juice. "What are you looking at." "The mother of my child" "Oh you're going to kill me these next 9 months aren't you?" "I sure am. I'm also getting as much pussy as I can before you get big and uncomfortable" "Yeah you better because once I'm huge. Your dick WILL be dry." Their doorbell rings and it's the doctor. Chance escorts them upstairs to the room they'll be doing her ultrasound.

They get her all situated and dimmed the lights in the room once they were ready. Sophia laid in the chair as she checked her cervix, she grips Chance hand as she did it with the microscope. "Okay, from that it told me how far along you are and it looks about 8 weeks so fairly early. You're telling me you know when you miss your period." "Hell yeah, I do." She chuckles getting the gel to put on Sophia's belly. "Okay let's actually look at the baby and see if we hear the heartbeat." She searches Sophia's stomach until the full body of the little developed baby pops up. "There's your baby." She points at the screen. "Oh my goodness, the baby is so tiny" "Yes right now it's the size of a seed. literal seed." "And it still has a heartbeat?" "Oh, honey yes. Let's hear it" She clicks some things on and the room fills with the baby's strong fast heartbeat. Sophia lightly gasps. She felt her eyes water "that's my baby heartbeat like that? it's so strong!" "Yes, that's your baby." Chance smiles kissing Sophia's lips. "I love this and I love you." "Were having a baby." Sophia chuckles looking at the screen of their baby.

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