Something's Brewing...

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''Sophia, Cam needs he pamper changed''

Sophia has finally laid down after jumping between both her kids. If anybody thought to have one newborn was hard? Try having two. Sophia never truly sits down because if one is sleeping the other is up crying till the other one wakes up doing the same. Both of them were exhausted. Chance on top of helping with the babies is working from home so he's juggling the money flow and the milk flow at the same time. These two don't even remember the last time they slept.

''Okay,'' She lowly say nearly bout to pass out standing up. She felt herself get dizzy so she grabs the bedpost. Chance catches her ''Nah, you get back in bed. You need to sleep, Sophia.'' ''No, I'm okay. Cam needs his pamper changed. Where's Sydney?'' ''I just put her down for a nap. Here's her monitor. I'll change Cam babe, you take a nap with Sydney okay?'' ''Are you sure?'' ''Sophia, your eyes are bloodshot red. Go to bed babe, please.'' She nods okay agreeing with him. She gets into their bed and the minute her head hits the pillow she's gone.

Chance changes Cameron and props one of Sophia pumped milk bottles up for him to drink while he's working. Cameron rocks in his rocker that's in Chance office so he can keep his eyes on him and finish his days' work. Cameron finishes the bottle and fell asleep and for once in the last month, it's quiet in their home. Chance moved Cam into the nursery with Sydney still sleeping soundly. He cracks their door playing their soothing sounds machine and head to his room for an overdue shower.

Chance exhales getting in the bed after going and checking on the kids. 9 pm and everyone is down for the count. Chance didn't know if he wanted to stay up and enjoy the calmness of his household or finally get some sleep. His mind made the choice for him as he knocked right out with Sophia.

The next day...

Sophia awakes feeling as if she's slept for days. Her boobs are hard as rocks letting her know she needs to pump. She sits up moving her hair out of her face to her darkroom. She gets up washing her face and brushing her teeth then goes to find her kids and Chance. She comes downstairs to sesame street playing on the tv and the twins sitting in their rockers watching it drinking their milk propped up. Sophia stands there amazed at how Chance got this daddy thing down packed. Like it came naturally to him. ''Well hello, sleepyhead'' He says joining her in the living room.

''How long have I been asleep?''

''Since yesterday at 7:30 pm''

''What time is it now?''

''It's the next day 4 pm babe''

''shit, why didn't you wake me up? my boobs are aching''

''Sophia, you were up for 3 days barely sleeping. You were about to pass out in my arms. You needed to sleep for as long as you could. I got it and I still do.''

''I'm glad... they seem calm''

''They've been good all day, greedy but good.''

''I do need to pump.''

''Well,  go and pump babe while they're quiet.''

A couple of hours go by. Sophia has pumped, showered, and felt rejuvenated ready to be all over her babies again. The minute she comes downstairs Cameron starts to fuss. ''Oh, mommy is coming Cammy.'' She picks him up out of his rocker sniffing his new baby scent as he stopped crying immediately being back in Sophia's arms. ''I missed you too mommy's guy.'' Sydney slept soundly in her basinet, Sophia leans down and kisses her fat cheeks. ''Bellow for mommy when you wake up Syd.''

Sophia and Chance went on like this for months. It started to become more and more like a routine for Sophia that over time she didn't even realize how much of a wife she has become. She cooked, they hired a person to clean their house which didn't stop Sophia from being her clean self as it is. She kept Chance clothes clean, his papers organized for work, his lunch ready when he came out of his office from a morning full of meetings. He'd switch off which twin he'd take in his at-home office to work from. This is a life Chance always wanted and he's finally got it.

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