Separation Anxiety

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Author:  aestaeticism
Summary : The best thing Chanyeol could’ve done for Baekhyun is disappear like he did. Forget him, like he did. Wish him his best and hope that Baekhyun can be as strong by himself as he was when Chanyeol was always perching his head on his shoulders— when they wore the same uniform and walked the same way back home.
Review: Well to be very honest there were times where i really hated the characters and thier mistakes but then isn't that what life all about. About how you make mistakes and whether you redeem them or not. This fic took into consideration the very important fact that many fics seem to take for granted and that is it's not always that a person comes in terms with their sexual preference and that sometimes they run, they run as far they can form themselves and from the mistakes that they've committed but in the end what matters is whether you come back, whether you come back and try, try to make it all right. It's real, it's soft and most love. You won't regret reading it. Trust me and give it a chance.
And sure do comment on how did you find it. Comments make me happy.

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