Chapter Two

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The next day, deep in the ocean from another part of the world, lives the Techno Trolls. Their leader, King Trollex, just got up from bed and starts to get ready for the day. He put his hair up, clean up his tail, and even brushes his teeth (I don't know how that would work, but still). He starts to get ready for his day with the other Troll leaders of TrollsTopia, so he swam up to the surface with his best friend, Techno Beat Drop Button, or TBDB for short. The king and the drop button made it to Pop Village to meet with the other Troll leaders. Even the K-Pop Gang, the Reggaeton Trolls, Chaz, and Hickory and Dickory showed up to see everybody again. Poppy rushed towards Trollex and gave him a hug...

Poppy: YAY!! *hugs Trollex* TROLLEX IS HERE!!!

Branch: What's up, Trollex?

Trollex: Branch, Poppy, great to see you guys again. How is everything here in Pop Village?

Poppy: Oh, you know. The usual: hugging, singing, dancing

Trollex: *chuckled* I could tell. Mostly because your people are dancing to Shake It Off...

🎵'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off
Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break
And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off🎵

Trollex:...and the fact you have some glitter in your hair *wipe away some glitter*

Poppy: HA! Ok, true

Branch: Glad you could make it for another Troll Leader meetings. Barb and the Royal Funk Family are already here, so why not, while we wait, you could hang around here in the village.

Trollex: Ok. Sounds good

Poppy: Oh! Here comes Barb right now. *starts waving at Barb* HEY, BARB!!!

Barb walked towards the pop and techno trolls with a grin on her face

Barb: Hey Pop-squeak. And Barf-Bag, here

Branch: Branch

Barb: Whatever. And...😳?! Hey, Trollex. H-How you doing?

Trollex: Normal as always. Having a ton of rave parties at Techno Reef, and doing some other royal things to do. You?

Barb: Being cool, being cool. Yeah.

Poppy: Welp! We are gonna help Smidge out with something. She said it's gonna be "exhilarating". Don't know what she meant by that, but I can't wait! C'mon, Branchifer!

Branch: Coming, Popifer!

The two Pop Trolls ran off to find Smidge with her "problem", while leaving the Rock Queen and Techno King behind. Then Trollex let out a chuckle...

Trollex: *chuckled* I love their relationship. It's adorable.

Barb: So, uh. Trollex. There's something I want to...ask you. Or, uh, it's something I want to...tell you?

Trollex: Oh, yeah?

Barb: Yeah. Uh, also you can respond, if you want, I-I'm not rushing you into anything!

Trollex: Sure, what's up?

Barb's heart starts to beat like crazy...

Barb: Uh,...what's up is...that, uh...I-I-I...I-I-I-I-I. I wanted to say...

Trollex: 😗😐?!

Barb: I wanted to say...that...*groans*. *inhale* I kinda enjoy you and your tribe's music

Trollex: Aww, Barb. Thank you. Plus it's important that as my job king of the Techno Trolls, is to always drop the beat. And every night is all about family, love, and music. I'm glad to have a friend like you.

Barb: Uh...*hears Trollex's voice saying "friend"  in an echo*

Trollex: You ok?

Barb: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I am. Mmm...uh...

Then suddenly, they heard screaming from the village. It's sounded like Guy and Tiny Diamond...

Barb: Was that Diamond Senior and Junior?

Trollex: I don't know. Let's check out on what's happening. They might be in trouble.

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