Chapter Eight

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Back with Sir Pentious amd his Demons, they're heading out of the Boiling Isles to go find Equestria to steal the Ponies Gem Shard. Until suddenly, Razzle and Dazzle flew into the main ship to deliver the message King Trollex sends him. Everyone looked at the dressed up goats as they flew towards Charlie...

Charlie: Wait. Is that...*gasp* Razzle and Dazzle?! *grabs the goats and hugs them* Oh, my god! You guys looked so adorable! You two look like the way I would dress you guys up when I was a little girl. Awww!! *pets them*

Vaggie: À que lindo (Translation: "How cute")

Charlie: *noticed one of them was holding an envelope* What's that you boys got there?

Dazzle: *gives her the letter*

Charlie: *takes a look at it* Oh! Sir Pentious, it's for you *hands him the letter*

Sir Pentious: Hmm? *grabs the note and take a look at it* Trolls?! And it's from that Trollex guy? Ugh! *used his claw to open the envelope and grabs a dark blue card with a holographic sequence designs* *opens the card* Ahem! "Dear Sir Pentious, I can't wait to meet you in person. I have great party ideas you could use for your gala. Maybe you and I could be best friends". Wait, "best friends"? Is this guy making fun of me or something? Nobody does that! I mean, friendship takes time and years of mutual care and respect. You can't just become best friends just like that. And everyone knows that I have a great boyfriend...

Alastor: Love you. *kissed him*

Sir Pentious: Hmm😊🥰...and a lot of friends. Like the girls, sometimes Angel and Cherri, and also like Husk. *shouts out to Husk* Right, Husk?!

Husk, the cat demon, was sitting on a couch drinking a lot of cheep booze. He toke a big sip and let out a small grumble after drinking that much alcohol.

Sir Pentious: Uh, ok. You're busy. That's fine. Nice chatting with you, Husk.

Then suddenly, he heard some beeping from the card. He toke a look back at the card he read and noticed a heart on the inside the card is beeping and glowing red. He toke a closer look at it and then the heart let out some glitter onto Sir Pentious' face while "One More Time" sung by King Trollex starts playing from the card. Which starts annoy him and surprised the other Demons...

Sir Pentious: *growls and snake hissed*

Angel Dust: Oh, shit. Here it comes

Sir Pentious: *wiping away the glitter and starts beating things up* Trolls is not even a good cartoon! They hug all the time! Their designs are blinding! They are happy all the time! Worst of all, their animation art style crawls into your head, like some kind of...demonic brain worm!

Pentious slithered behind a couch and grabbed a chainsaw, but gently moved the Goat Bois out of the way so they don't get cut in half. And now he cut the couch in half and pushed it away, then starts lying down on the sawed off couch...

Sir Pentious: Phew! Not I'm tired. Wow! Hating things like that takes loads of energy.

Then he heard his boyfriend, Alastor, singing "One More Time" from the card, and tapping to the beat. That made Pentious worried...

Sir Pentious: No! No, no, no, no, no, no! *threw the chainsaw away* Look what their music did to Alastor! *slithered towards him* Alastor! Come back! Come back to me, honey.

Scene shows Helsa ducked when the chainsaw came after her, but her some of her hair got cut off.

Helsa: GAH!!! My hair!!

Charlie: *snickered* Nice hair, Helsa. That's a good look for you

Helsa: Oh, shut the fuck up, bitch!

Vaggie: Zip it, Helsa. Or I'll stab you.

Sir Pentious: No one does this to Alastor. And no one makes fun of Sir Pentious! *grabs the card* Ugh! I need that Trolls Shard! *idea* And I know who's going to help me. The most feared bounty hunters in all of cartoons!

Sir Pentious gathered other cartoons from other different shows or movies. Then he starts role calling the bounty hunters. First was a green robot with a pompadour and spikes on his arms...

Sir Pentious: Raymond, the Robot...

Then a mutant turtle with a blue mask and two human girls in suits came out...

Sir Pentious: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012 style)...

Next are four girls that looked alike, but one of them is white, pink, blue, and yellow and gems on their bodies...

Sir Pentious: The Pearls...

And finally, shows two triangles with one eye and one of them is yellow and the other is blue...

Sir Pentious: And finally, the Ciphers

Sir Pentious now starts to explain why these three hunters are here, but the Ciphers are gone missing...

Sir Pentious: Alright, as most of you may know, I'm spreading a storm of Demons across this lovely land of ours. *shows them a map of every land of cartoons as demons* And soon, there will a bunch of blood-thirsty demons as far as the world can know. Ok! Who ever finds me King Trollex, gets to keep their own show and their very own territory. *looked at the map* Right over...*points at a small island*!

Leo: *walked over to the map* I don't know. It looks really tiny

Sir Pentious: Do you want it or not, turtle boy?

Leo: We'll take it! *rushed back to his group*

Sir Pentious: Now, what you bounty hunters are going to do is simple, and that's GETTING ME KING TROLLEX!!!

The other groups murmured in agreement and head out to find King Trollex...

Pink Pearl: Before we go, do you validate parking?

White Pearl: *grabs Pink Pearl* Just keep walking, don't get him mad.

As the hunters left, the snake looked at a small one-eye demon named Niffty, who's sweeping up the ship, and asked her...

Sir Pentious: Hey, Niffty, have you seen the Ciphers anywhere?

Niffty: Hmm. Nope. But, I did in fact heard some rumors that they've played with fire so many times, their hands are basically burned off

Sir Pentious: 😗?!

Niffty: Or something like that. That's what I've heard so far. As long as I'm doing this for the past collage credits

Sir Pentious: *slithered towards his throne* Thank you for the information, Niffty. *takes a seat* If anyone could find me King Trollex and his Shard, *puts the card above a candle* it's the Ciphers

He said while burning the card and as the music suddenly stopped working

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