Chapter Ten

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After the Trolls and Tempest fell into the water, Poppy was in a land full of candy clouds. She saw one of them opening up, and revealed the Pop Troll ancestors...

Queen Poppy: *smiled* Pop Family?

Pop Ancestor: Welcome home!

As Poppy was about to float towards them, she suddenly starts falling back down, leaving the past Pop Trolls behind. Poppy suddenly woke up and starts coughing up water from the fall...

Queen Poppy: *coughs out water* *pants* WOW!! *gasped* Never has that dream before. My dreams were usually about me and Branch..."hanging out". I regret saying that. Apologies

Meanwhile, Trollex and Barb was laying on the shore catching their breath from all that swimming...

King Trollex: *panted* I am so glad you came with us, Barb

Queen Barb: *exhale* Me too, dude

As they got up, and before anyone could speak, Tempest came out, shaking the water off of her body and onto Barb...

Tempest: *sigh* There you guys are. I think we lost them. We should be safe down here

Queen Barb: Ugh! *wiping away off water*

King Trollex: Thank you so much! I don't know how we could ever repay you

Queen Poppy: But I do! *hands out a handful of gumdrops* GUMDROPS!!

Tempest: *chuckled* Gumdrops? Wow. *used her magic to make the gumdrops float up* You really remind me of Pinkie Pie. *eats a gumdrop* Mmm! You gotta love that zing every time when a gumdrop pops into your mouth, right? Ah...*about to eat another one, but Barb toke them away*...Oh?

Queen Barb: No. No, no, no. It's candy time, it's question time! *hears a ding noise* Huh?

Queen Poppy: *sees her hug-time watch turn on* HUG TIME!!!

The three Trolls hugged each other with Tempest in the middle. Barb was feeling comfortable that she's next to Trollex, but she's not comfortable when she's hugging a Pony l, that for some reason helped them escape Equastria. So, she squeezed out of the hug to ask Tempest why she helped...

Queen Barb: Ok! Look, you maybe look awesome like me, but why are you helping us? What's in it for you?

King Trollex: Whoa! Barb! *to Tempest* Heh! I'm sorry about my...*glared at Barb*..."friend", here

Barb crosses her arms while walking next to Poppy. She looked at Trollex and Tempest walking in front of them as they start talking about their plans...

Tempest: I know what you guys were talking about with that song. You want to reunite the other creatures. And I don't blame you. I mean, you're a Techno Troll king, and I'm a Pony commander, but hey! Creatures are creatures

Queen Barb: *imitates Tempest* "Creatures are creatures". *normal voice* Wow! Deep

King Trollex: *😑 at Barb* *to Tempest* This is the beginning of two types of creatures that's gonna save all creatures!

Tempest: *chuckled* I like you. You remind of Twilight. Both of you have good heart and spirit

King Trollex: *chuckled* Aw. *grabs his map* Now, we gotta get to the Dragons from the Hidden World before Sir Pentious and his Demons does

Tempest: *points to a river* Well, the quickest way there, is going through that river. I'll build us a raft *trots away to get supplies*

Queen Barb: *hand on hip* HA! This outta be good. I mean, the lady doesn't have hands. So, how the heck is she gonna build us a ra-

Suddenly, Tempest was seen using her magic to cut down some trees, hammer in nails to put them together, getting everything done within a few seconds. She even prepared smoothies...

Tempest: Anybody want a smoothie?

King Trollex: *looks at Poppy* Smoothies? *back at Tempest* Uh, yes please! *swims towards the raft*

Queen Poppy: *ran towards the raft* HA HA! AWESOME!!! You remind me of my friend, Hickory!

Queen Barb: *🤯* *groaned* Dang it! I do want a smoothie. But I'm still not impressed about this awesome raft crafting!

Meanwhile, far away, Dart continues her journey to find creatures like her. She landed to give her wings a break, so she continued on claw. Until she spotted some green claws with red scales behind some tree vines. She starts bouncing from excitement...

Dart: *gasp* Creatures that looked like me! YES!!

As she went through the vines, she noticed that those claws don't belong to a dragon. She looked up and saw a huge beast made out of tacos. It was an olive eye, a pepper tail and claws, and her teeth are made of lettuce. It's known as a taco-dile, with her babies. Dart was startled...

Dart: Uh, hi. *backing away from the taco-dile mother* You wouldn't happen to know if you've seen creatures like me, have you?

Taco-Dile: *growling at her* *ROARS*

Dart: Guess not! EEK!! *flew away* YOU HAVE AN ADORABLE FAMILY!!!

Taco-Dile: *ROARS* *walks away*

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