Chapter Fifteen

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Back with Trollex, he was sitting in front the river, looking at the Trolls Gem Shard in his hands. His ears tilted down with sadness as he tapped the shard and replayed the scene from their other adventure...

🎵Just sing! Sing it together! Louder than ever, ever! Forget everything, just sing!🎵

He sighed as the scene faded away. Then suddenly, he heard someone coming. So, he put the Gem back into his satchel, and looked behind him to see who it is. And in relief, it was Tempest...

Tempest: Trollex! *trots towards him* There you are!

King Trollex: Tempest! *hugs her* I'm so glad you're ok

Tempest: You, too. *looks around* Where's Barb?

King Trollex: We had a fight, and she's gone. She's heading back to TrollsTopia

Tempest: Aww, thats ashamed. I even thought that her and I might be good friends

King Trollex: Same with me. I ignored everyone around me just to prove I'm no longer a kid. Just...*grabs his Gem*...Just because of this stupid Gem!

Trollex lifted up the Trolls Gem Shard to Tempest, who looked at it with a surprised look on her face. She's been thinking about something and then she looked at Trollex with a worried look...

Tempest: Trollex, take the Gem, and get away from here as far as possible, you hear me?

King Trollex: W-What?

Tempest: Just go! *her behind starts moving like crazy* NOW, PLEASE!!!

King Trollex: *sees her behind acting weird* Uh, Tempest? A-Are you alright?

Tempest: I'm fine! Hey! *starts slapping her behind* Stop that! 

Trollex looked at Tempest with worried look on his face as he sees Tempest's behind starts to detached itself...

King Trollex: AHHH!!!! OH, MY GOD!!!

Then her behind starts glowing and turned into a triangle guy with a bow tie, top hat, and has one eye. He turned to the top half of Tempest with anger...

Bill: DUDE!!! What are you doing, Will!? That's not part of the plan! *tries to attack her*

Tempest: *pushes him back* Quite, Bill!

King Trollex: What's going on?! Tempest?!

Tempest: *voice and eyes changed* I am so sorry

Bill: Yeah, show him who you really are, Tempest Shadow!

Bill used his powers to changed Tempest top half into the same creature as Bill, but blue and his name is Will. Trollex looked at him with an upset look on his face. Then, Bill starts to blast some blue fireworks into the sky, and then from shame, Will joined in by blasting red fireworks into the sky...

King Trollex: Wait! You're...You're the Ciphers?!

Bill: That's right, Fish Boi! And you just got played by our illusionist game!

King Trollex: And you were about to give our Gem Shard to Sir Pentious?

Bill: Ding, ding, ding! Correct! And I'll shorten this for you, anything you asked is true!

King Trollex: Like that you've been in the behind this whole time?

Bill: subject, please. I do not want to talk about the fact that I lost the coin toss to my brother on who's being the rear

King Trollex: *to Will* How could you do this?

Will: I'm so sorry, Trollex. It was the only way to save our show, Gravity Falls

Bill: *angrily* Will!

Will: But trust me when I say this, Trollex. You've got to get out of here, now!

Bill: Shut your eyeball, Will! *grabs the Gem*

Will: No, Bill! STOP!!

King Trollex: *grunts* Let go of the Gem!

Bill: We have to save Gravity Falls!!

But then, two Demons came out of nowhere, and grabbed Trollex by the arms. Bill then looked at the Gem with an evil look on his face. Trollex tried to get out of their grip, until suddenly, he heard a voice...

Sir Pentious: Gee...

King Trollex: *gasped*

Sir Pentious: I thought I saw some fireworks coming from you Ciphers

King Trollex: Sir Pentious!

Sir Pentious slithered to Bill and he handed him the Trolls Gem Shard. Pentious toke a good look at it, and gave it a tap to see a scene from Trolls...

Vision King Trollex: Tonight is about family, love and music!

Sir Pentious: *chuckled* The final scene of Trolls. *puts the Gem in his jacket* It will never invade another person's brain ever again

King Trollex: I'm not gonna let you do this!

Pentious looked over to Trollex, and sees him glaring at him like he means business. But then...

Sir Pentious: *snickered* This is who I've been worried about this whole time? This little pipsqueak? *slithered to Trollex with his hands on his tail*

King Trollex: I won't stop fighting until I make things right! And I'm not a pipsqueak!

Sir Pentious: Mmm, clearly you are. Because I'm like way taller than you, due to stander animation

King Trollex: *tries to hit him with his tail* Leave me alone!

Sir Pentious: "Leave you alone"? Uh, I'm sorry, *grabs the card that Trollex sent him and got burned and tossed it away* you were the one whose all desperate enough to be "best friends"

King Trollex: *to the other two Demons grabbing his arms* You better get your claws off of me, you freaks!

Sir Pentious: Whoo! Ok, alright. You're feisty, I like that. Strong man to strong man, am I right? But, uh, let me ask you this. Do you know who else was feisty?

King Trollex looked at him confused

Sir Pentious: TrollsTopia

King Trollex: *gasped* No. No, you didn't!

Sir Pentious: Oh, I did. Along with your precious Techno Reef. Which, I gotta say, that your people made me hungry for some sushi

Trollex started to give Pentious a nasty glare for harming his friends, family, and his Techno Trolls. The Demons then thrown Trollex into their ship and put him in a cage and set a course to their home town: Pentagram City

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