Chapter 1: Arriving at the Dorm

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EI promised I'd show you Meika, and here she is! Her name is pronounced May-ka

EI promised I'd show you Meika, and here she is! Her name is pronounced May-ka

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Since she is related to Taurus, she has an ability, though it is a weak one. Meika can manipulate the air, but at most she can swirl small leaves around in her palm or create small gusts of wind. She doesn't mind though, at 12 years old she is the cuter, more childish version of Taurus! I love her already. :)

If you think that I'm going to upload pictures of every single dorm, then fat chance! You should know by now that I'm far too lazy to do that. Leave it all up to your imagination! (You can imagine the school too)

Taurus POV


That was the only word that was processing through my brain as I stared up in awe at the dorm before me. Actually, it seemed more like a house. Just five times more elegant. The instruction sheet I'd received at the front desk had guided me here. It had also said it would house 11 others. 

I'll be honest, a part of me thought, This big of a dorm for just twelve of us? 

The sheet had also said that we were the only ones in a twelve-room dorm, which was... odd. 

Guess that means we're special? I thought idly, tapping my crutch on the small set of stairs that led up to the dorm's front door. Meika had insisted I use it today. I don't see how, the most special thing I've seen is Meika's air talent, so-

I heard the sound of light footsteps behind me, then stiffened when a warm pair of arms caught me around my waist. Light breath brushed my ears. "Guess who!" 

"Aquarius, honestly," I sighed, smiling. "You and I both know that you're the only person who would do that without getting a crutch to the shin." 

"And I'm glad you decided not to hit me," Aquarius said, freeing me. "So, you're here too, huh?" 

"Yeah," I replied, waving my crutch at the dorm. "That's my dorm." 

"That's my dorm too!" He exclaimed. A dazzling smile lit up his face. "That's great, I can make sure you don't strain yourself." 


"Hey, Meika would sue me if I didn't." 

Outward I laughed, but inside I was glad that Aquarius was comfortable around me. We had been friends for almost 9 years, but he was kind of frosty in the beginning. Only after three years of knowing each other had he finally allowed me to give him a hug-and needless to say, I had nearly strangled him to death. 

"So, who else do you think is here with us?" I asked as we entered the dorm. Wow. It was even more spectacular on the inside. To my left, I saw the doorway to a large kitchen-I'd check it out later-and to my right a spacious living room. Right in front was a hallway that apparently led to...??? 

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