Mother's Day Special!!!

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THIS IS NOT PART OF THE STORY. It doesn't fit in, just some flashback from the past.

Happy Mother's Day, everyone! Wish your mom a good day! 

So, for this special day I suppose I wanted to do a special chapter. 

And who other to focus on than our sweet, angsty Aquarius, right? 

This will basically be the story of how he met Taurus and came out of his little turtle shell.



Aquarius POV (first time writing his POV, wish me luck!!)

Ten years ago...

Aquarius: age, 7.

I don't remember the day clearly. 

The day when she killed herself. 

It was all sorrow and tears and shock, all around me. 

But none for me. 

No tears came, because I was so shocked, so angry, and so utterly confused. 



Why had Mother decided to leap in front of that train? 

From then on things spiraled out of control. 

I don't, I can't, I don't want to remember. 

The scars that slowly started creeping up my skin said otherwise. 

I was afraid. So afraid. So that even school, which was usually my escape into another world, became unbearable. 

And so I closed myself off. I sealed away my heart. 

Was there any other way? 

No. There wasn't. 

Not when dealing with the monster that was my father. 

Not when dealing with the countless words, the knives, the cuts. 

This life... 

Was doomed... 

The moment I was born.

That was why I was so surprised when he approached me.


It was a normal day. Sunny, blue sky, and I was once again going to school. 

There wasn't even anything particularily special about the weather. Or what we did in school. 

I was, as usual, extraordinarily bored during classes. I knew it all already. 

That was probably why I didn't notice. 

Things really started after school. 

I waiting on the school bench outside of the school gates, legs tucked up to my chest, face to my knees, hoodie up, waiting for the father I knew would never come. 

He never did, and never would, and I didn't care, as far as I was concerned. He could rot away in his office for all I cared. 

A slight tap, tap, tapping sound soon came nearer. 

As usual, I paid the sound no attention. It was probably just another kid, trying to annoy me with their loud shoes. 

I flinched violently when I felt a hand tap me on the shoulder. "Hi."

For the zodiacs: a high school storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن