Chapter 2: "There are seriously classes on the weekend too?"

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OKAY, people! So, this took tiiiiiiime to write, so I really hope you enjoy!

Originally I was going to do each of the zodiac's POVs, but third person speech is easier to access everybody at the same time.

Reminder! If you're ever confused you can go back to the character page! There's no shame in it!


Nobody POV

"Is that even possible?" Pisces spoke up for the first time. "Wouldn't you be... I don't know... disoriented? Like, I don't know, static?" 

"Not necessarily," Libra said. "If the body is a hologram, then sure that might happen. But most of the time no, then you guys would not static." She frowned. "What I can't understand is how you two are 'part of one person'. I don't get how you can possibly become one, science just doesn't agree with it." 

"That's because science has absolutely nothing to do with it!" Mini chirped, hopping down from the couch. "Most of the time we appear as one or the other, but we willingly split into both forms for special occasions, like today!" 

"So what happens to the other person when you only appear as Gem or Mini?" Aquarius demanded. "Does the other like, live in the head or disappear...?" 

"A good question indeed! Gem, please do the honors." 

"Not exactly disappear," Gem said. "More like they fade into our brain for a little while. We can share memories so that when we do switch the other won't be confused or vice versa." 

"That's actually quite ingenious," Taurus agreed, nodding to himself. 

Mini beamed. "Isn't it?" 

"Okay, but everyone's forgetting the big question here," Aries cut in. "How? Normal people can't just 'fade into another person's brain', and if one did do that there'd be some serious pain invovled." 

Mini stared stonily at him, for once serious. "That is a question I'm afraid I cannot answer, Aries. Neither I nor my brother have any idea about how and why. We were simply born that way." 

"Actually," Gem interjected, "We were born seperately. We discovered about splitting and fusing later on." 

"Oh, I was wondering about that," Leo said. "Like wouldn't a mother normally freak out?" 

"Not ours!" 

"While it's open Q&A time, might as well ask," Aries said, nodding towards Taurus's crutch. "What's up with that?" 

Taurus smiled easily. "My knees are weakened from a childhood injury. I can't strain them too much and the pain usually strikes at random times, so when it's really bad I use this to help me not collapse." 

"How said," Pisces stated, squeezing her rabbit. "Did you fall down the stairs? That happened to one of the people in my apartment, though in that case, she broke her arm." 

Taurus shifted uncomfortably. "Actually, I've never really been able to remember. All I remember is a splitting pain in my right knee at first, then when I woke back up I was in my bed, being treated by my parents." 

"Seems rather suspicious to me," Leo said. "And you remember nothing?" 

Aquarius tensed. "Hey, that happened a long time ago, his memory can't be perfect-!"

Taurus calmly held out an arm in front of his friend. "What my overprotective friend is trying to say is, yes it happened a long time ago and I honestly and truly don't know what happened. The entire memory, in fact, feels like there's a giant blank spot in the middle of it all." 

For the zodiacs: a high school storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें