Chapter 8

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Pic of jennie above :^

Lisa's P. O. V

I went home around 8:00 P. M and could feel a little bit dizzy. Ugh! Damn flight and timezones.
As the gate opened I drove my car inside. And went out, I saw one of the butlers and gave him the keys.

"Park my car Jimin" I said to one of my butlers

"yes ma'am" he replied

"just call me by my name Jimin, I can tell we have the same age you know?" I said and smiled

"ah yes, Lisa"

"now that's better" I said and got inside

I quickly got up the stairs and went to my room. As soon as I was close, I remembered about the girl at mac's. So I quickly got inside and opened my laptop and faced time my mom.

"hi mom! I miss you already" I said

"I miss you too honey, what can I do for you?" she said

"mom, can you do me a favor" I asked

" yes, sweetheart. By the way, how as the flight dear?" she asked

"it was good, I met jisoo and some new friends" I said and smiled."

"awhh that's great honey, we'll be coming home next week for the gala. I'll pick up your dress"

"OK mom, about the favor... Can you give this girl a job?

"why honey? " she asked confused

" well... "

*I explained*

" didn't he told you, it was your fault? "

" I did but still he didn't care less"

"what about her parents?" she asked

"they died in car accident and she has a little sister to take care of. Please mom, she really needs this job. I can see her potential, she will be a good help at the company, I assure you mom."
I said begging.

"I guess we will find something for her" she said and smiled

"yess!" I said almost jumping

"here's her number, can you call her right away mom?"

"I don't know... Its already around 9 in your time there. Maybe she's asleep already so I'll call her tomorrow"

"no!, I know she's still waiti g for that call. Please mom, I am definitely 100% sure that she is always checking on her phone" I said

"okay honey, just send me the number and I'll just tell her what she needs to do" my mom said

"OK mom!" I said and smiled

"I'm proud of you honey, for being a caring person to a stranger you didn't even met but still helped her."

"of course mom, and by the way jisoo says hi"

"awhh, say hi for me also honey"

"OK mom, well I'll be going now, I'm really sleepy and say hi for dad and JK for me. I really missed that kid" I said and smiled

"Dont worry, he misses you too dear. Know I'll let you be, goodnight honey"

"night mom" I said and gave her a flying kiss and ended the call.

I sent her the number so she could give her a job. I'm really happy that I could help someone that I just met earlier ago. I thought and smiled to myself.

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