Chapter 13

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Lisa's P. O. V.

I came home, took a shower quickly shower and lay on bed. I swear I could fall asleep anytime now until my door was suddenly opening as I saw who it was, I literally almost  screamed as I saw my little brother running towards me"


"come here to your unnie" I said and he jumped to me.

"how you been kiddo? Where's mom and dad?"

"right here sweetie" mom said entering the room.

"Mom!" I said and pulled out to Kookie and ran towards mom for a hug.

"God I miss you guys!"

"well, we still had a call earlier and yesterday" said mom and chuckled.

"well yeah but-" I didn't finish my sentence as my mom just kissed me in the cheek.

"shh, were here now so shush"

"well well well, your ain't going to give your old man a hug?" said dad behind mom.

"ahh dad!"

"come here kiddo" he said

I pulled away to mom and walked towards dad while he hugged me.

"I missed you my baby girl"

"ahh dad, don't call me that!" I said playfully.

"OK ok" he said and pulled away from the hug and kissed my forehead.

"are you ready to move to your new house honey?" asked mom

"yeah, but its too damn early mom" I said while she just chuckled

"it is honey but we need to so get dressed. It's the big day for you!"

"ugh, fine mom" I said and they both kissed me in the cheek while I kissed JK in the cheek also.

"see you later kookie" I said and they left my room as I changed my clothes to something casual and walked out. I saw the time in my phone and it was already 6am.

I went down and saw them waiting for me.

"c'mon, let's go" said dad

Together we walked out of the mansion and the car is waiting for us. So we got in and I could feel my eyes closing again.

"how far is it?" I asked tiredly.

"for about thirty minutes honey" said mom.

We were talking about school, business, friends, volleyball and other things when we came in front of the biggest gate I have ever seen. It ha LM engraved on it. Cool.

"whoa" was all I could say.

I saw Jimin, Suga and other maids standing on the side of the entrance and saluted us and opened the gate.

"Dad, didn't I tell you. I wanted a small house, not a mansion or something like this. It looks bigger than the white house, you know that right?"

"well yes sweetie but me and your mom have talked about this, as well as your grandparents. I had two years to make something for my princess that Im sure you will like. You really thought tha I was going to build something small?"

"but, isn't it sad that I am going to live complete alone in this mansion dad?"

"maids are going to live there honey, and you can ask jisoo to live with you. If you want" said mom. Well, maybe it would be good living with my best friend.

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