Chapter 8

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Vera's POV:

Just as I fell asleep I heard a loud bang which caused me to jump up. I looked at Claire and Blake who had the same facial expression as me, I looked at them and pointed to the closet, that's where we all heard it coming from.

"You go first..." Claire whispered and motioned for me to walk.

I rolled my eyes at her and slowly tip toed to the closet, I fliched at the cold spike of the closet doorknob...

"On three." I said, "One.... Two.... Three..." I pulled the door open only to find two robes hanging motionless, I walked into the closet to see if something fell over, but nothing...

"You guys heard it to right? It was so loud..." Blake looked around the room, "It couldn't be nothing..."

Luckily we had one of the camera's on for extra we ran towards it and checked the footage...

"Did you see that! Rewind it, there stop!" It was this giant shadow that hovered above my body as I was lying on the bed

"Oh my go..." slowly the shadow moved again and made its way toward the closet, the second the shadow disappeared the band was heard. I turned the camera off and slowly turned to the girls, I looked down at the time then back up.

"It's 3AM, I think we should start setting up..." I said softly.

"Are you guys sure you want to do this? I mean that shadow is enough to prove to your fans..." I interrupted Blake.

"We have nothing to prove to our fans, it's merely entertainment for them, this trips purpose is prove to ourselfs...

Claire looked at me and weakly nodded," Let's, uh... Let's get started... "

We started setting up. We decided that the best place for the seance was in the small living area next to the closet, we took salt and placed it into the shape of a pentagram with candles at each corner of the shape...

While Claire and Blake were setting up I decided to quickly record something.

"Hey guys, so a few things already happened tonight, not to major but it was not very pleasant, we decided that now was a good time to start the seance seeing that it's almost 3:33AM." Claire and Blake joined me behind the camera,"During part one of the Queen Mary series we saw this women, she called herself 'Satan's Messenger' which was really creepy but she gave us this chant to use during the seance." I looked over at Claire and motioned for her to continue,

"Right, it is in Hebrew which is really strange but she went through it with us and helped for all the pronunciations, so it's currently 3:30AM, lets uh set up the camera and then start..."

We all got up and sat around the pentagram, we turned off all the lights and switched on our night vision camera. Quietly we sat there, watching the time...

"Okay, let's start."

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