Chapter 16

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Joe's pov

"I didn't mean for things to get this bad," I swore to Phil as I plopped down into his office chair.

"You two never do," he said shaking his back and forth. "When will you ever learn?" He asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"I'm just saying Joe, I've never been against you and Demi. She's been over eighteen for almost ten years now man. YOU decided to get married. You've dated her since 2007 and all I asked was that you kept it under wraps until she was at least seventeen. You did that. Then her issues got out of hand and I kept your relationship a secret the eight years after that at YOUR guys request. You're both adults. I get it Demi was figuring her stuff out and always has been for a while but if she's the one you wanted this whole time and you knew you were planning on going back to her then you shouldn't have fucking got married Joe," Phil said to me speaking like a true man. "Not only is it not fair to Demi, it's not fair to Sophie, and it's sure not fair to you man," he said in a caring way. "I'm seriously concerned about you right now brother," he said.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. He was so right.

"I know. You're right. I guess I just got so tired of," I paused because I knew I didn't want to admit the words as tears fell from my face. "I knew about Demi's issues for so long and for so long I was the only one. It was such a hard thing to be her only support system and I guess I thought after she overdosed that getting married would be a way out. I thought I wanted somebody I didn't have to take care of but I was selfish and wrong, so wrong," I admitted with tears in my eyes.

 I thought I wanted somebody I didn't have to take care of but I was selfish and wrong, so wrong," I admitted with tears in my eyes

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"Come here," Phil said opening his arms to hug me.

He hugged me tightly like a second father.

"We all know how you feel Joe and that doesn't make you a bad person. You're only human and you've wdone more for her than any of us have," Phil said to me.

I sighed.

"It doesn't feel like it," I said wiping my eyes and looking down. "It did at first. After her first time in treatment I just knew it was gonna be a new Demi, then after a few weeks when that glow wore off and the drugs came back I knew this was far from over," I said. "When she went to treatment again and was in the sober living house I thought this is great. Those were the best five years when she was finally sober after being in the sober living house. I thought the worst was finally behind us," I said as I started to get choked up again. "I never imagined she'd start using again let alone," I paused to let out a loud sob. "That I'd almost lose her for good," I sobbed into Phil's shoulder.

I knew I was a grown man and that in any other circumstance this would be so unacceptable. I would have to put on a brace face and just suck it up and deal with it but we were talking about the love of my life almost dying here. How could I not cry like a baby?

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