Three Days Until the Party

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We go every day. Elizabeth, Michael, dad, and I.  We go to Fredbear's every day because of dad. Charlie used to meet us there. She used to force me to be social and talk to people. She doesn't anymore. She can't. She's not there. So guess where I was?

Crying under a table by the exit with Fredbear in my arms, waiting for my brother to come back. As usual.

He left without you.

He knows that you hate it here.

There was a pause.

You're right beside the exit. If you run, you can make it.

I nodded and wiped my tears before shakily getting up from under the table. I looked around to make sure that no one saw me. Luckily, everyone else was too busy either talking to their friends, eating pizza, or some slightly disgusting combination of the two.

I half walked, half ran towards the stage, aware that it was in the opposite direction of the exit. It was mostly out of curiosity more than anything.  Fredbear noticed which direction I was going and started to protest.

No!  Don't you remember what you saw?  The exit is the other way! Hurry and leave.

I stood in place for a few seconds staring at the stage before I semi-reluctantly turned around to see someone (probably Uncle Henry trying to say hi) in the Fredbear suit.

It's too late.  Hurry the other way and find someone to help!  You know what will happen if he catches you!

I backed up towards the stage.  I turned to run, briefly looking back to see dad putting the Spring Bonnie suit on someone else.  The sight didn't really faze me.  I was used to seeing people putting on the mascots by now not to be worried like other kids would be.  I'd just prefer it if they'd stay away from me.

Why wasn't dad wearing it?  I thought he loved being Spring Bonnie?

I kept running as if my life depended on it.  And then I stopped.  I was still a little ways away from the stage, but the thought of having to go past it terrified me.

You can find help if you get past them.  You have to be strong.

"But I'm not strong."

Stay determined, Evan!  You can do it!

I started to move again, courage building up inside me for the first time in a long time.  But then the Fredbear mascot moved closer.  I felt all of that newfound courage drain away.  I dove under a table.  I was practically back where I had started.  I began to cry.

Tomorrow is another day...


A/N: I know that this chapter isn't really as "exciting" as the last one, but at least I have a story to build off of while on the day parts. Poor Henry, though. His daughter died almost a year ago and now his best friend's son is practically terrified of the character he plays. I feel bad for the guy. I hung out with my friend yesterday. We played Minecraft pretty much the entire day. I somehow managed to make an entire Minecraft wolf army named after the Afton family without my friend realizing. If any of you have any ideas or suggestions for what I can do with the story, tell me through the comments and I'll see what I can do. Have a nice day! ~SLTheFuntimeFox

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