Night Three

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Um... Evan?

"Yeah, I know.  12:00am."

I just don't want to take any chances.

"I don't either.  But I also want some sleep.  Why don't you try fending the Nightmares off tonight?"


"Yeah, you."

But... Um... I, uh, can't hold the flashlight...?

I turned to smile at the bear.

"You're not scared, are you?"

What? Pshh. Of course not!

"Oh suuuurrre you're not."

I got up, grabbed my flashlight, and listened.  There was a running sound, as if someone was running across to get from one hall to the other.

But none of them switch hallways.  Bonnie's on the left while Chica's on the right.

I just brushed it off and did the usual. Left hall, listen, flash, switch, repeat, with the occasional door shutting and turning around to scare off any gathering Freddles.  I had a pretty good routine going on.

Then I heard a scratching sound coming from the closet.  I went to go check it out, crouching by the slightly ajar door.

The inside was completely dark.  I turned on the flashlight only to be met with snapping jaws.  I shut the closet door on impulse, closing the creature inside.  I took a second to catch my breath and gather my thoughts.  I had both hands on the doors, putting all of my weight on them.

I picked up my dropped flashlight and briefly shined it on the bed, not even looking if there was anything there.  My eyes were locked on the closet door.

What's in there?

Eventually, curiosity took over, and I found myself in an awkward half laying down position with my leg propped up against the door to keep it closed as I tried to see through the upward slots on my closet doors.

Somehow, this actually worked.

I shined the light through the slots so that I could see and looked inside.

Inside of my closet was what looked like a torn up fox robot. No, it was a Nightmare version of Foxy.  His muzzle was torn open, exposing a metal and wire skeleton and showing two rows of sharp teeth.  The fox (who I'm just gonna call Foxy from now on) had glowing, golden yellow eyes.  His ears were folded back in aggression.  His tail, which was missing a few patches of fur, was slowly swinging back and forth as if it was keeping a rhythm.  He had tears stretching down his legs showing bare metal legs and clawed feet.

Foxy's eye slowly looked in my direction.  He turned his head, unintentionally allowing me to see his entire face.  He was missing the eyepatch on his right eye.  The look he was giving me made him look like a snarling wild animal.  I backed away deciding that I had seen enough.

My night didn't really change.  While I admit, Foxy did make things a bit harder, I found that he was surprisingly easy to deal with.  I just added checking the closet to the rotation.

Eventually, I heard the cheerful six chimes of the grandfather clock, signifying that the night was over.  I was relieved.

But that was when I realized that I had to go back to Fredbear's.


A/N: I realize that these author's notes are pretty long. Welp. So...Nightmare Foxy got a little introduction. And before I get any complaints, yes, I did give him a tail. I've always imagined Nightmare Foxy to have a tail, so he does in this story. I hope that y'all like the mini conversations between Fredbear and Evan. I really enjoy writing those and I enjoy giving Fredbear a little personality. The night sections are a little boring to write. I still haven't seen a playthrough and they're kinda all the same. Oh well. ~SLTheFuntimeFox

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