Chapter Eight

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I can't believe I kissed Aria last night. How stupid could I be? Greta is probably looking down at me saying how much of an idiot I am. I avoided Aria, I didn't make eye contact. I didn't want her to think that the kiss meant something because it didn't. Right? There was this feeling I had, I've had it before. When I met Greta, I had that same feeling. It's been a long time since I felt that feeling but I couldn't. I still love Greta and that won't ever change.

I heard footsteps on the deck. I glanced to see Aria, she sat down next to me.

"Why didn't you wake me?", I asked.

"Hmm?", Aria looked at me.

"You slept on the couch. I woke up from being passed out on the bed. Why didn't you wake me?", I asked.

"You were sleeping and I-", I cut Aria off

"Doesn't matter. You don't sleep on the couch", I said to her.

I was raised to let the women sleep on the bed. Open doors for them, make sure they walk on the inside of the sidewalk. Aria shouldn't have slept on the couch last night, she should have been comfortable and in the bed.

Aria didn't say anything. She moved her feet around in the water. I glanced at her, she bit her lip slightly looking down at the water. Her red hair blew in the soft wind. This was the first time I really noticed how red her hair was in the sun. Her skin was light and the sun hit it perfectly.

Aria put her feet on the deck and pushed her legs closer to her chest resting her chin on her knees.

"You know, not that you care, but, when I was a little girl my dad was still just starting to run his business along with his gang. He would stay out late at night, we would eat dinner without him. Some nights he'd come home so upset, my mother would be mad because she had to take care of us all alone. They'd fight all the time, I hear them yelling through my bedroom walls. Sometimes I'd even hear him hit her.", Aria said, sighing.

I didn't understand the reason why she was telling me this. I didn't say anything and there was a short moment of silence. I looked at Aria and she was trying to hold her tears back. She gave a soft laugh before wiping her eyes then looked at me.

"As I got older, when he'd come home and they'd fight, I'd sneak out my window. The first time I didn't know where to go just to get away for a few hours. Until I came across a small beach near my house. It was beautiful and I'd sneak out to go there and watch the waves crash against each other. Sometimes I'd even stay long enough to watch the sunrise then hurry home before they noticed I was gone.", Aria smiled. "I don't really know why I told you this but it's some background knowledge of why I like the water so much".

It was weird to hear how her childhood was much like mine the only difference was my father never hit my mother. I wouldn't sneak out to watch the beach, I'd sneak out with my friends and get into trouble. One of the times I snuck out was the time that I had met Greta.

"Come on Gio, don't be a chicken", my best friend Henry said.

I sighed, it was already late and I needed to be home. I was already in more trouble with my father than I wanted to be. Henry gave me a look, I sighed before giving in. We walked down the street, pushing each other and play fighting.

"So who's all going to be at this falò?", I asked Henry.

"I don't know, just relax", Henry said.

We got to Henry's friend's house. I could smell the smoke from the fire as we approached the yard. Henry's friend, Armando, greeted us before leading us to everyone else. I saw about three other people sitting around the firepit but one caught my eye. It was a girl. She gave me a small smile when we made eye contact, it made me nervous but I gave her a small smile back. Henry introduced me to everyone. Enzo, he was shorter than everyone but was older. He gave me a nod then turned his attention to the girl who smiled at me. Alfredo, he was tall and skinny, geeky-looking but had a deep voice. Then it was her, the woman who smiled at me. She walked over to Henry and I then held out her hand smiling brightly.

"Hello, I'm Greta Russo", she said still smiling.

I took her hand and gave it a gentle shake, "Giovanni Morello", I said. I was nervous, my palms began to sweat. I let go of her hand and shifted my body. We walked around the fire pit and sat down. I sat next to Armando and Henry, across from Greta, Enzo, and Alfredo. They talked about different things but I didn't pay any attention to them. I glanced at Greta every five minutes and she'd give me a small smile.

I was nervous, I was never nervous around a woman but she was different. Something about her made me feel a certain way. My attention turned to Enzo, who kept trying to flirt with Greta. He kept asking if she was cold and wanted his jacket but she politely declined. He was trying too hard to get her attention.

It became later and everyone was leaving. We walked to the front of the house and I waited for Henry to finish his conversation with Armando.

"Would you like me to walk you home?", Enzo asked Greta.

"Uh, actually I was going to walk with Giovanni. He already asked me", she lied.

Enzo shot me a look then smiled at Greta nodding. Greta walked over to me and I gave a soft laugh.

"I already asked, huh?", I teased.

"Shh. Don't rat me out, and walk me home", Greta laughed.

I let Henry know that I was going to walk Greta home and he waved me off. I walked back to Greta and she smiled. As we walked I could tell she was cold, I took my jacket off and wrapped it around her.

"Thank you", she said.

She asked questions about me and I answered them, I was nervous and I think she knew. She wrapped her arm around mine as we walked.

"So, why not give Enzo a shot? He clearly likes you.", I said.

"He's a nice guy and all but he tries too hard", Greta laughed.

I laughed and Greta shook her head. We reached her house, Greta sat down on the steps and patted the spot next to her. I sat down next to her, we talked and talked until it began to get light out. Greta looked at me and smiled, she placed a kiss on my cheek then stood up.

"I hope to see you again, Giovanni Morello", Greta said.

"I hope to see you again too, Greta Russo", I smiled.

I watched her walk inside, I walked a few houses down then began running home so I could get there before anyone noticed I was gone. I couldn't get Greta off my mind. Her laugh, voice, and smile, gosh, that smile made everything better.

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