.2|| Test

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Bright sunlight shone through the curtain-less window, making you groan.

"..What time is it..?" You ask yourself, looking at the digital clock on the bedside table.


"OH NO!" You exclaimed, scrambling out of your bed.

You had 30 minutes to get ready and walk to work. So, you did just that.

You showered quickly, threw on your work clothes, brushed your sopping wet hair, and rushed into the living room.

"So, uh, I dunno if your here right now or if it was just a bad dream, but like, I gotta get to work so uh, bye!" You call out to Todoroki quickly, rushing out the door and locking it.

Running to work was probably the most stressful thing you could ever do. You couldn't risk being late on your first day at the precinct, and lose your job right then and there.

You pushed the precinct's door open, and rushed in, panting. "I..I'm not late.. Am I?"

"Ah. Miss L/n. Our newest recruit. Nope, you're right on time."

A calm but happy voice said, and you turned towards the person.

"Detective Tsukauchi! I-I mean, sir!" You salute him, standing up straight.

He smiles and shakes his head. "Still as loud as ever, I see."

You chuckle nervously, moving your hand to scratch the back of your neck.

"Anyways, glad you're here. I've got a job for you." He motions for you to follow him.

Peeking up, you nod and follow him. He lead you into a hallway with pristine light grey walls, and windows with offices in it.

He leads you into a room, which you assumed was his office. He sat down in his office chair, and pointing to the chair in front of the desk.

You swallowed a thick lump in your throat, and sat down in the chair.

"Great. Now you're probably wondering as to why I've made you come here, correct?" He asks, tilting his head.

"Y-Yes, sir." You nod.

"Well, I was going to give you your own office, seeing as you are incredibly deductive, considering your age. You are the youngest detective known, however, people outside of the station are unaware of that." Tsukauchi informs.

"Aw, thank you, sir. I appreciate it." You chuckle bashfully, scratching your neck again.

"Like I was saying, L/n... I was going to give you your own office, but.."

Cocking your head slightly, you question. "But..?"

"I've decided I want to make you work for it." He smiles.

"..Huh?" You blink.

"I want you to deliver these packages to a man named Shouta Aizawa. You can do that for me, right?"

"Shouta Aizawa..? You mean Eraserhead?" You asks.

"Exactly. I've seen how strong you are, so I don't think you'd have a problem carrying..." He reaches under his desk, picking up something.

| Ghostly Assistant | Todoroki x Reader | Ghost AU | [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now