.3|| Investigation, Start!

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A/N: Before this chapter begins, I'd like to clarify somethings. I'm no good at writing mysteries, however, I'll try my best to make it as interesting as possible. Another thing is, I never realized how fast I'd write these chapters. So, instead of every week, it will be around 2-4 days. Sound good?

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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The air was colder than this morning. People had jackets on, and the sky was a light gray, clouds scattered every where. They hid the warm sun you loved so much.

"..Jeez. Why can't it be warm like this morning? It's only 1:00! It was like.. 10:30 earlier, and it was warm.." You whine and rant to yourself.

You reached for the pockets on your trench coat, shoving your hands inside. Sighing out, you watched your breath crystallize.

"What a bunch of bullshit. Get your shit together, Musustafu." You grumble, looking around.

Turning a corner, you saw the crime scene. There was yellow police tape all along an area, which you assumed was Yanamana Park. There was a slide, and a swing set. Bland, really.

Walking up to the police tape, you looked at the park. There was blood on the ground, making you cringe to yourself.

"Hey! Who are you, eh?! Some kinda reporter!?"

You flinched and turned around to meet a pair of emerald green eyes.

It was a male with green eyes and red hair. He wore a police officer uniform, and had an angry scowl on his face. He went to reach for his taser until he saw you put your hands up quickly.

"Ah! I'm sorry, sir! Please don't tase me!" You surrender quickly.

He narrows his eyes, before moving his hands away from the taser. You sigh out in relief and put your hands down.

"Get going. This area is off limits to civilians." He clicks his tongue.

"U-Um.. Actually.. I'm not just some civilian passing by.." You chuckle, scratching the back of your neck.

He glares at you, making you nervous.

"I-I'm actually the detective of this case.. Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you..!" You grin nervously.

"..Wait. The new detective back at the precinct? The young one?" He asks.

"Um.. Yeah, I guess." Shoving your hands in your pockets, you shrugged awkwardly.

"..." He narrowed his eyes and glared at you, making you subconsciously chuckle in a nervous tone.

"Show me your badge, then I'll let you investigate." He crosses his arms.

"H-Huh? O-Oh, I have it. Let me find it.." You reach into the pocket of your trench coat, patting them down as well.

Reaching into one of the pockets, you pull out a relatively empty wallet, only holding your detective's badge inside.

He leans forward to look at it, and grumbles under his breath. "..Alright. The name's Eiichi Wisentower, a policeman set to guard this area."

"Oh, hello, Officer Wisentower." You smile. "Am I allowed to investigate?" You tilt your head.

"Yeah. Just don't go tampering with any evidence. Nothing has been touched, on the orders of Detective Tsukauchi." Eiichi explains.

"Detective Tsukauchi? Huh.. guess I'm the first to find evidence, it seems."

"Okay, thanks, Officer."

Smiling, you turned around and stepped over the yellow caution tape, beginning your investigation.

| Ghostly Assistant | Todoroki x Reader | Ghost AU | [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now