.4|| Possesion and Confession - Part 1

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"Why did Freel write a love letter to a woman he's already in a relationship with?"

Todoroki asks. Your eyes widened, blinking.

"H-Hey.. How did you do that?" You question, pointing at the ghostly male.

"Do what? Use common sense?" Todoroki quirks an eyebrow.

"Eheh.." You chuckle, scratching the back of your neck.

"Are you sure you're a detective? You aren't very smart for one." He insults, stepping down on the ground.

"I'm smart! I just.. gotta get those gears working.. You know?" Shrugging, you look down at your feet.

"Sure. Now, please go away. Go do your detective work or whatever." Todoroki "walks" towards your room.

"A-Ah! W-Wait!"

He stops in his tracks, not bothering to look at you. "What?" He mumbles, seeming annoyed.

"U-Um... I have something to ask you." You poke your fingers together shyly.

He turns around to face you, lifting up off the ground to float. "Spit it out."

"..Will you.. Come with me? Uh- Just for today! I think it would be good for two reasons! The first one would be that you could like, I dunno, guide me! N-Not that I need help or anything! I'm plenty caps of doing that myself—"

"The second reason, L/n." Todoroki reminds, deadpanning.

"R-Right! My second reason would be um.. well, I hope you don't get too offended by this but.. I think you would enjoy getting out of this place.. I don't know exactly how long you've been cooped here but.. It might be good for you?"

You explained to the ghostly man, while he just stared at you. Looking up at him, you smiled a little.

"S-So.. what do you say? Will you come with me?" You ask, tilting your head.

Todoroki stared at you for an uncomfortably long time, making you squirm around. "Y-You don't have to go if you—"

"What do I get out of this? If I help you, what's my prize?" He crosses his arms.

"What? Isn't your freedom enough?" You ask him.

"Not nearly. I can't leave this place, unless if you do something for me." Todoroki says ominously.

"..A-And that is..?" You question, shuddering a bit.

"I need your body. A host to let me leave. I'm tied to this house since I died here."

When Todoroki explained his reason, a weird feeling formed in your stomach.

"...So your saying that you.. need to possess me?" You shudder.


Blinking, you pursed your lips together. What were you going to choose? If Todoroki possesses you, well, there are pros and cons to this.

"Will you be in control? Or will I?" You question, voice shaky.

"It depends on strength, really. For example, if you were speaking to yourself, and I wanted to stop your annoying voice, then I could easily get you to stop by interfering."

"And if it were the other way around..." You began.

"Then you could stop me. Not that I'd talk to myself, though." Todoroki finishes.

Ignoring his small comment, you thought about it. It probably won't be terrible. In fact, it might actually be fun!

"..If I let you possess me, you have to promise not to mess anything up, okay?" You point a finger at him.

| Ghostly Assistant | Todoroki x Reader | Ghost AU | [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now