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•The Square•
I really don't know what just happened. I was to busy talking to Eight and boom! There was a fight between Rider and Aloha!

Everything was so confusing!

Every word that they said I don't understand!

Every some parts of words I don't understand! Those words seem mean! They sound mean! What do those words even mean!?

"They were fighting because Rider always acts mean to you and everyone else and so them two started to talk bad to each other which I don't know the words either."

"Rider is not mean!!! Well he is but that's because I bother him. But I just want him to smile! And be happy! He's always grumpy and mean. But look at my other friends! Aloha, Skull, Army, Mask, Gloves, And Emperor are all happy! All because I told them friends can make you happy and turf wars are to be having fun and be happy with the friends you have!"

"Maybe we just need to pull his pants down more."

"I would agree but no! We need hmmm what do we need?" Thinking what would Rider even like, besides weapons and Rank battles...

"What are you doing here Goggles?"

"Huh" I look up to see Army!

"Hello Army!!!!"

"Hello Goggles! I see you look well... sad perhaps?"

Oh yeah...

He sits down next to an empty seat, "what's troubling you?"

"Oh look Army the curry boy."

Looks like Mask is here too!

"Hello Mask!!!"


"Eww gross again you Hyuk!"

"Hey I was just playing more video games!" Mask went to sit in another seat that was empty.

"So what's going on?" Mask says.

I look down sad, "Well, Aloha and Rider were fighting today."

Army snorts, "of course they always fight! Those dumb squids!"

"Shut up I know you like to hang out with Aloha more so calling him stupid is just rude to him. Imma tell him." Skull says.

Army shouts,"No! Don't tell him that! He's going to post embarrassing things out me!"


"No it isn't what you guys think! They were fighting because Rider is mean to me. But Rider is not mean! Well yes maybe a little but still! All he needs is cool awesome friends to make him happy!"

"Well Rider is always rude. He left us yesterday without paying!!! But make him happy? Is there anything that even can make him happy? He's like a man with no face!" Army slammed his fists on the table causing Eight to jolt.

"There has to be something that can cure that mean personality of him!"

"Heh he was just like me back then...to tell you the truth, I think your the only one who can cure that rude tone of his. Like what you did to us."

"Well how!?"

Mask starts to think also Army. I for once started to focus and Eight as well.

I look to my side and saw no Eight.

Well...never mind he's gone to playing games!

"Maybe battle turf wars with him? And no pulling his pants? You know it's gross seeing a man naked!" Army looked gross out when he said that last part.

"Yeah play battle turfs with him and don't pull his pants and maybe play video games! Or go eat with him and you pay or something."

"Hmmm I'll try it!!! Thanks you guys!!! I owe you one! Come on let's grab at the food truck!"

"Oooo Okay let's go!" Army stood up fast and got happy.

"I don't get to pay right?"

"Nope I'll pay! With Eight's money!"

I stood up and called to Eight to come here.

So now we all talked and be funny to each other.

"So what does fucking mean?"

Both Army and Mask looked at me surprised with Army looking red with embarrassed or blush?

"Did Rider said that?"


"I thought you knew that?" Army says.

"Nope! What is it?"

"It's well-"

"It's when something is ruin...YEAH!" Army interrupted Mask.

"OH so Aloha fucking other squids at parties!"

"WHAT!" Army shouts having red all over his face.

Mask laughs.

"So he's ruining the party! Wow! I thought he was having FUN at the party like dancing and eating good food!"

"Well you know him, he's a hype guy." Mask continues to laugh.

"Oh okay makes sense!" I laugh.

"Please don't say that word again Goggles." Army pokes my hand.

I don't know why but "Okay!"

I'm going to fail math class...



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