Chapter 1

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After Penelope left josie she was left alone and her sister lizzie didn't care that she was sad. The only one there for josie was hope. Hope secrectly had feelings for josie so hope was always around her. It had been 2 years since Penelope left. Lizzie loved that Penelope was gone but josie was left broken.

Josies POV

So I woke up this morning to lizzie and hope over my face looking worried. I asked whats wrong and they said nothing all they said that my dad was coming to help me. I was so confused but when I tried to get up I couldn't move. I looked down to see they strapped me down to the bed. " Why did you strap me down to my bed"? I asked and hope said this" Because you were using dark magic in your sleep and we had to strap you down so you didn't do anything else". I was using dark magic I thought you got it out of me? We did but it seems you've remembered some of those spells. Wait weren't you still asleep in my mind. How did you get out. " Josie who are you talking to there is no one here but me" asked lizzie. omg Hope was still in my head and she just appears randomly. Wait lizzie what's going on with me? You had been using dark magic in your sleep but don't worry dad's coming.

Lizzies POV

I woke up and was getting ready when josie started saying some black magic spells. I freaked out and told my dad. He always takes forever to get here. I wonder what he's doing anyway. She started talking to someone but I was the only there. Then she asked what happen and I told her she was using black magic in her sleep and that dad would be here to help.

Dr.Saltzman POV

I got a call this morning from lizzie saying that josie was using dark magic in her sleep. I wondered how could she do that when we got the dark magic out of her. I wish hope was awake cause she would know. Just why is she stuck in josies head. I have to call Penelope she is the strongest witch I know so maybe she can help.

On the phone

S: Hey Penelope I really need your help.

P: Hey Dr.Saltzman. Why what's wrong.

S: Its josie she was doing dark magic in her sleep and I don't know what to do. Your the strongest witch I know.

P: I'll try and help. Anything for josie. But I don't have a plane ride there.

S: Don't worry ive got someone on stand by just get to the airport.

P: Ok. Bye

S: Bye

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