Chapter 6

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Hope's POV

I woke up next to Penelope and thought omg did I sleep with Penelope. I realized that she told me to sleep on it and she was comforting me from what had happened between me and Josie. Well I knew I had to talk to Josie and tell her I just want to be friends cause we're not meant for each other. Josie should be with Penelope cause they even each other out. Penelope came back for Josie cause she missed her and she wanted to get back together. I will let them be happy together plus I don't want to tell Landon what happened. I was getting dressed when I got a phone call from lizzie. Hey lizzie why are you calling me this early. Josie is missing and I need your help to find her lizzie said worried. Ok let me try a tracking spell first and see if she's cloaked. Ok thank you lizzie said. I hung up and did the tracking spell and she wasn't cloaked. But she was at the school so now I have to find her but I have to tell lizzie first. Hey lizzie I found Josie but she's somewhere in the school so we have to check every room in here and say her magic spell on the walls. Ok let's start at the front of the school lizzie said. We looked everywhere including the off limits rooms lizzie where could she be. I don't know but she's come back tonight I know it lizzie said.

Lizzie's POV

So I woke up and couldn't find Josie anywhere so I called hope and she said she would help. We looked everywhere for her and still couldn't find her I told hope that she would come back tonight. Hopefully she does come back I need her a lot she helps me and I want to change so I can help her to. Penelope was right I was a black whole of time and love she wasn't wrong I just want to give it back cause I don't deserve it. I was heading to bed when I heard a noise from the closet I opened the closet and saw a little door in the corner. I opened the door to find Josie sitting there just staring at me. The first thing I did was call hope to tell her I found Josie. Hope came as fast as she could and we talked to Josie. Josie why did you hide we were looking everywhere for you Hope said annoyed. I hid because of what Hope said Josie said while starting to cry. What did you say to her hope I said starting to get angry. I told her I had feelings then she came up to me and kissed me I pushed her away telling her I would stay with Landon Hope said. You kissed hope Josie. Yeah I kissed her cause I had feelings to I hid here because I didn't want to talk to anyone about it Josie said while sobbing.

Josie's POV

I've been hiding all day in a little room in the closet and lizzie found me and now we're talking about everything. I started to sob cause hope was here telling the truth about me kissing her. Lizzie stopped talking and walked away Hope started to stand up when I pulled her back down. I'm sorry that I hid all day I just wasn't ready to talk yet. That doesn't fix anything you disappeared and with everything going on it just wasn't the right time hope said angrily. Hope got up and walked out the door I also got up to check on Lizzie. Lizzie you ok you haven't said anything. Yeah well when were going to tell me you kissed her lizzie said. I was going to tell you I just didn't know how to and I'm sorry. I'm like hope on this one just because you were mad doesn't mean you just disappear lizzie said while going to bed. I really messed up I thought.

Penelope's POV

Whoa why are you so mad hope? Josie was hiding all day and we didn't find her till now hope said starting to raise her voice. Ok hope calm down it's okay I'm here. I stood up and wrapped my arms around hope and calmed her down. How do you know how to calm me down so fast hope asked. I just do now get on my bed i'll grab snacks then we'll watch a movie ok. Ok hope said starting to smile. Oh hey mg I didn't think I would see you again. Just here for some blood I had another nightmare so I come here to calm down mg said. Ok just tell me if you need to talk ok. Gotcha mg said. Mg left and I grabbed some snacks and went back to my room. I got there and hope was gone I checked the whole room I decided no to think to much. I went to bed and the next morning hope was in her bed and with someone. I got up and checked who it was. It was Josie but they were back to back with clothes on so that's good.

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