Chapter 7

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Josie's POV

I woke up next to hope and wondered why I was in her bed. I saw Penelope getting dressed and I thought to myself omg she's so hot. Hope woke up making a grunting noise. Morning P hope said while yawning. Morning Hope how'd you sleep Penelope said while putting a shirt on. Good morning to you to Josie Hope said. Good morning, I should get going. Ok see you in first period Penelope said. I headed back to my room to get dressed and when I walked in I saw Lizzie and Rafael sleeping together. I closed the door quietly and went to the bathroom. I was in the middle of a shower when someone knocked on the door I asked who it was and I got no answer so I finished my shower. I got dressed and went to breakfast. Hey mg have you seen Landon I'm supposed to help him study. No but I need to talk Lizzie mg said. Oh ok she should be free this afternoon. I went to my first class to find out i'm 2 hours early. I decided to study a little so I put my headphones on and listened to some music. I didn't know that I was singing out loud till someone touched my shoulder. It was Penelope. Your voice still sounds very nice even while singing Penelope said while smiling.

Penelope's POV

I walked in on Josie singing. Your voice still sounds nice even while singing I said while smiling. Class is about to start so yeah is anyone sitting here. No there isn't so you can sit here if you want Josie said sarcastically. Well thank you I said while rolling my eyes. I can't tell if Josie likes me or not she's giving mixed signals. So decided to ask her to "hangout" today and well her reaction was priceless. Hey JoJo wanna hangout today. Sure where are we going Josie asked. How about the fort in the woods. Ok what time Josie asked. How about 8 is that good for you. Yep see you there Josie said as she walked away. I set everything up and she's on her way so now all I have to do is ask her. Hey Josie you ready. Yeah any reason your scared to ask me out Josie asked. I wasn't going to ask you out hehe. Really cause you get nervous every time I come around you Josie stated. Fine This hangout was going to be a date and I wanted to surprise you. Thank you it looks beautiful Penelope Josie said flirtatiously. So will you be my girlfriend again. Sure on one condition you don't bring Lizzie into any of our arguments Josie said seriously. Yes I promise.

Rafael's POV

Last night was fun would you let me take you out sometime. Yes Rafael of course Lizzie said. Ok what do you want to do. Do whatever you want surprise me Lizzie said. Ok how about on Friday at 6. Sounds good to me Lizzie said. I'm going to head to bed see you tomorrow. Ok raf lizzie said flirtatiously. I got to go find Landon and tell him about me and Lizzie. I went to my room and there was a sock on the handle which meant him and Hope were in there. I headed to the gym to hang out with the pack and play a game of catch it or fall. I headed to the gym to find Josie punching the punching bag. Hey Josie want a partner. No thanks I was just about to head up to my room Josie said out of breath. Ok well tell your sister to dress casual. Ok Josie sounded confused. Great well see you later. Bye Josie said while leaving.

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