Chapter 1: Where are they going?

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Briar Rose's POV

A gust of cold air zips through my room. Chills run up and down my spine like marathon runners on a course. I never want to wake up, just five more minutes! But no, you can't sleep in when you have a 10 year old brother. "Briar!" Harry called, "I need you at the moment!" I sat up. "With what?" I called back. There wasn't an answer. "Ugh. Harry! What do you need?" I groaned walking out of my room. I flipped my long, chesnut brown hair behind my shoulders.

Harry was sitting on a bench in front of the window. "It's that time of year again." he whispered. I looked out the window knowing what I would see. The citizens of my town Silvertop walked in lines like soldiers marching to town square. "Where are they going? What exactly are they thinking will happen to them?" Harry asked me tapping my shoulder. I shrugged. "They want to improve themselves. They're fine just the way they are." I stated. My brother smiled. "Almost everyone is radioactive." I mumbled.

After watching the people outside, Harry and I went searching for mum and dad. They were on their computers sending emails. I don't know to whom exactly. I asked my father once awhen I was about Harry's age nd he said they were to the "Protectors" who later I found out were the people who controlled the country. "Harry, Briar! Your awake!" mum said suprised instantly closing her laptop. "Good morning." I smiled shyly. "Did you see the people walking to town square? Awesome, right? It's interesting to see all of those people walk together." mum added. "It's not too exciting. It's strange to see that many people walking to one place like that. It was like they were being brainwashed into walking that straight in parallel lines to the town square." Harry confessed. "I think it's awful!" I expressed. My father turned around and faced me. "Why is that, dear?" he asked calmly. "They were fine just the way they are!" I stated. "Yes but, how about we make them even better? That wou-" mum explained until I walked out of the room in a stormish mood.

I will be honest, I tend to get mad and storm off and then think. I don't know why. I just flash my anger and leave in the blink of an eye. Harry chased after me. "Briar!" he called. "Briar Rose Ethel James come back here right this instant!" my parents called. I ran into my room and did my routine. I put on black skinny jeans with a light gray short sleeved shirt. I put on black combat boots and put my hair in a french braid. I grabbed my leather jacket (not real leather) and went outside. I ran to the meadow where I knew I would be alone with my thoughts.

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