Chapter 14: What Did You Do To Him?

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Briar Rose's POV

Sleeping and praying were my only options at the moment, or so I first thought. I had lost all hope until I tried to get it together and find a way out. Then, I pushed the chair with my feet to the lamp. I kicked the lamp and the light bulb landed where my wrists were tied to the chair. Ignoring the pain, I had the heat of the lamp burn it's way through the rope. I gasped and whimpered but in the end it was worth it. I got out. I untied my legs and feet and tip-toed to the door. My light footsteps still creaked. The facility has been around since 2010 and was first used as a hospital until years later.

I peered through the crack of the door and used the same bobby pin I used originally to open the back door to open my door. No one was around so I left. Each rooms on both sides of me didn't hold Harry, Matt, or my parents. I assumed my parents were silently following the hooded man's orders. (If you've been under a rock recently or didn't understand some stuff, my parents have been brainwashed.)

I passed bionic body parts such as metal arms and legs powered my super strength, special brain chips that hold secrets to various subjects. Without warning, I heard Matthew yell.

"Hey! Is anyone there?" he cried.

I followed to sound of his voice to his cell. He was crying. Much to my suprise, he gave up trying to escape. That's not something he does, giving up. Never have I heard of Matthew Ralph Pierce give up on something. I tried to break open the door.

He knew somehow that I was there. Again, he cried for help.

"I know someones there! Briar Rose!!" he called.

"Keep your voice down!" I replied.

"They have Harry hostage! Come back for me later!" he declared.

My heart felt like it started to beat slower and slower until it stopped. Harry has been captured. I frowned. There's no way that my parents could hurt my brother. But after thinking, they hurt me.

"Briar Rose! Get Harry! I'll be fine!" Matthew stated.

"I promise you I'll be back! I won't let you give up!" I called to him.

While running in search for my younger brother, I passed more bionic parts and containers that held limbs and organs. I tried to keep the negative thoughts that hid in the darkest corners of my mind kept away. I remembered that Matthew and I never protested. We didn't make signs or anything. Its worthless now, it's become real. A fight for lives. Before pausing, I passed my brother in a room with multiple people. He didn't look himself. When I got back, I was left in surprise. They turned my brother into a bionic human being!

"What have you done with him? That's my brother!" I yelled.

"How'd you get out?" the hooded man replied.

"Harry!" I called running to him.

To my surprise, he pushed me away. It wasn't one of those siblings pushes. He meant it and he wanted me to go away. What if Matt was with me? Just then, Harry charged at me. Just as I ducked, he landed over me.

"Clever girl." the hooded man stated.

"Give me my brother back!" I demanded.

"Why do I want to go back? I have powers now!" Harry added into the conversation.

"Exactly! Why would he want to go back to a person who hates the idea of his wonderful power?" the hooded man tried to make me feel some sort of guilt.

"Harry is way too young for this! He's just a boy!" I cried.

"A boy with a bionic power, super strength! Did you know that he's the youngest boy to have bionics?" the man asked.

I let out all of my anger. Far too many years I have cloaked myself in my own thoughts while the world was changing negatively. I raged out and got into a fist fight with the man. Harry tried to pull me away but I ignored him. I struck the man and tried to grab the remote which controlled my dear brother.

"He's not a toy!" I yelled.

I punched the man into the corner of the room until he threw me into a wall. Next, I threw him into a glass window. Hundreds of pieces of glass shatter and hit the floor. Some pieces landed in the man and I's skin. Then I realized that we were being watched. My parents and Matthew were there.

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