Chapter 15: Lucid Dreaming

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Briar Rose's POV

"Briar Rose!" Matthew called.

Instantly, I stepped away from the hooded man. I looked over at Matthew trying not to cry. My brother was changed to hate me and my parents are brainwashed. Now, Matthew and I were left. Suddenly, I started to feel a pain run down my arm. The hooded man injected a shot into my arm and suddenly everything went blurry.

"Briar Rose! NO! LEAVE HER ALONE!" I heard Matthew shout.

I colapsed to the ground. Whispers, screams, cries, and more filled my mind as I feel asleep. I don't know what that shot is supposed to do. A popular shot used frequently is a shot to make someone fall asleep for multiple days. The side effects include lucid dreaming, vomiting, and all that other junk. Out of the blue, I thought I woke up. The lucid dreaming affect kicked in sooner than I thought. Except, the bionics company can somehow have an affect and alter my dream. (Lucid dreaming is when your aware that your dreaming and you can control what happens in you dream) The lucid dream began..

Lucid Dream .....

I stood up and I found myself in the Furwood Forest. Leaves covered the winter ground. Snow began falling gracefully. I saw Harry making snow angels. He didn't have bionics though. Harry smiled at me and waved. When I started to walk over to him, I found that I was walking in place. Since it was my luicd dream, I altered it to make myself be able to walk. Just as I was about to get to Harry, I found the two of us in to Furwood Forest. We tried to get out until we found the deceased bodies that were trashed here. Harry clung to my and wouldn't let go.

"Briar Rose, I'm scared!" he whispered.

"We'll be okay, Harry." I reassuered him.

After I stated that to my brother, the hooded man took him away. I was left in the forest alone with the dead bodies. Then I found myself in a pile of quicksand. It was up to my waist. I grabbed onto a tree brach and held on. I looked around and tried to pull myself out. Eventually when I was released from the sand, I found myself at the feet of the hooded man. Then I woke up, sadly for real.

"Had good dreams? They'll be the last" the hooded man stated.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh I almost forgot! You've been asleep for two days! Remember your being hung for commiting a crime?" he stated.

"You can't hang me!" I cried.

"It's all over now, Briar Rose. We'll let you say your goodbyes in front of the audiance." the man stated. Then, he grabbed my arm and put a potato sack over my head. He lead me to my doom.

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