Chapter 2: Willow Tree

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Briar Rose's POV

Ravens flew around the sky like shooting stars in the night sky. I laid in the grass watching the clouds drift by. The willow tree leaves shoke everytime the wind blew. I turned my head to face the carvings in the tree. I wrote "Briar Rose's Willow" about a year ago. I swear, the flowers grow quicker and quicker everyday. Daises, tulips, rose, and many more kinds of flowers were there.

My phone began to ring. The caller ID read Mathew Pierce, my best friend. "Briar speaking, hey Matt." I stated with a small smile. "Hey Briar Rose. Good morning!" Matthew said. "Maybe for you. What are you up to?" I asked. "Just out for a stroll. Why so glum?" he asked. "It's Bionics Day, remember?" I spoke. "I recall. It stinks. Every year my dad and brother go. It's like a drug to them." Matthew thought outloud. "Your right. I'm sorry to hear they're going again." I said. "We have no control of it. By the way, did you know there's a willow tree leaf in your hair?" he asked. I frowned confused. I reached my hand to my hair and to my suprise there was a willow tree leaf in my hair. "H-how did you know that?" I curiously asked. He hung up. "Hello? Matthew?" I called into the phone. "Briar Rose! Stand up!" a voice called.

"Matthew!" I stated. "OMG! IT'S BRIAR ROSE!" Matthew acted like a fangirl. I laughed. "Okay then, that's a side of you that I don't want to see at the moment. But anyways, hi." I stated. "I don't blame you, that was awkward!" he laughed. He sat down under the tree, back against the wood. I put my cellphone into my right pocket and sat next to him. He looked over at me and smiled. "I wish we were kids again." he mumbled. I looked at him and nodded. "We didn't have to worry that much about our appearence. The only think we really needed to worry about was how we're going to protect our lunch money from the bullys." he stated pulling out a water bottle and drinking it. I gave a quick smile and then thought of a response. "Now, we need to worry about a society that judges. " Matt said in a depresed tone. "What a shame." I softly said. There was silence for a moment. Then ten minutes. Then an hour.

"Matthew, have you ever thought about what it would be like to show everyone they're fine just the way they are?" I asked. "They would never listen. They'd try to change us while we're trying to change their minds." Matthew said negativley. "We can't just give up like that! I don't want to live in a world of robots! I want to live in a world of regular humans!" I added. "I know, I do too." Matthew replied. "Then lets protest! We can shut down the Bionics Building in town square!" I said smiling. Matthew stared at me like I was crazy. "Matthew." I chanted a few times smiling and laughing. He smiled. "Come on Matthew! I bet there will be a bunch of teenage girls who will fall inlove with you for your bravery!" I added. Matthew smiled and blushed but quickly made a blank face. "Come on! We'll be doing something for a good cause. We'll be going against the entire country and president! Wow, that sounds scary but still, it's heroic!!" I stated. "Fine! I'll protest with you!" he finally stated.

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