Chapter 10: Born With A "Stone Heart"

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Briar Rose's POV

One by one, I carefully put the surgery utensils into my archery quiver I brought. I didn't bring the bow, only the quiver to use as a bag. Matthew looked a little squrmish at the sight of the blood stains. I don't blame him though. Also, there were some left over limbs in containers. A foot, an arm, and even a few organs. I immediatly looked away. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. My family raised my brother and I to never show emotion. Harsh, right? I know but, I was born with a "stone heart" so I don't usually cry. Only on rare occasions I do when I'm alone.

"Not to be a bother but, can we hurry this up? I'm going to puke!" Matt whinned holding the quiver open. He had his arms out distancing the quiver from himself.

"Almost. Who's organs do you think those belonged to?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know but I don't really care. Gosh, it's cold in here!" Matt stated.

I sighed. "Would you like some cheese and crackers to go with that whine?" I asked sarcastically.

"Sorry." Matt said.

I turned around and looked at Matthew.

"I'd hug you but, I have the bloody gloves on." I stated.

Matthew smiled. He held out the quiver again and I continued what I was doing.

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