Chapter 5: Matthew's Panic Attack

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Harry's POV

Briar Rose was locked up in her room. At least she didn't want to recive any visitors. I'm sure she's been watching movies like The Fault In Our Stars of Mockingjay. Anyways, I strolled over to her bedroom door and knocked on her door.

"Briar Rose? Can I come in? Open your door!" I yelled over the loud televison in her room.

Slowy, foot step's came towards me. The door swung open.

"Harry, whats up?" she asked.

"I wanted to see what you were up to. Mum and dad aren't much fun to be around. Their always on their stupid laptops." I replied.

"Wow, a kid saying that being on laptops are stupid! This is exotic!" she smiled.

Briar walked out of her room. She messed up my hair on her way to the staircase when suddenly, Matthew was at the door. He was panting and had sweat dripping down his forehead. Shaking and breathing heavily, he pointed towards the town square. My sister tried calming him down.

"Matt! Come in, whats wrong?" my sister worriedly asked. She got a towel and handed it to Matt to whipe the sweat off his forehead.

"Your parents are down in the town center! And more people are going to become bionic. There are side effects too, I saw some people hauling away corpses from the building!" Matthew cried. He started having a panic attack.

"Don't worry, we're going to stop this from happening. How many people do you think perished from the procedures to become bionic?" Briar Rose asked Matthew.

"Ma-m-aybe about, uh, I don't know a lot!" he cried biting his lip and cleaning his face.

"Calm down! Estimate the amount!" I said.

"Harry don't rush him!" Briar Rose snapped at me.

"More than 500! There were crowds of people moving dead bodies!" Matthew yelled.

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