Chapter 9: Invading The Enemy

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Briar Rose's POV

While waiting for Matt, I grabbed two pennies from my grey fake leather coat and tossed them into the well. I leaned over looking down at the water bottom of the wishing well. A breeze blew by and made my knee shiver which was exposed becuase of the rip in my jeans. My navy blue skinny jeans appeared black in the moonlight. I waited for Matthew and tied the laces of my hunting shoes.

Matthew arrived about 10 or 13 minutes later. He ran up to me and smiled.

"Okay Miss James, ready to invade a heavily guarded building?" he asked.

"Ready to invade to thenemy." I replied.

We walked throw the forest to hide from anyone who might see us outside this late and report us. Sooner or later, we'll be found one day but I pray not today. We had to go throw Furwood Forest, the worst and most depressing forest in the world. Yes, it's been voted that. Tourists don't even dare to come to our state because they fear the forest. They believe that demons hide there.

After exiting the forest, we came upon guards trashing dead bodies in the forest. Matt and I hid behind a shrub bush and were so silent you could hear a pin drop. None of the guards came and checked around for us. They were careless. Quickly after they left, Matt and I ran the back of the facility and tried to open the door.

"Didn't you sneak the key away from your parents?" Matt asked.

"They never keep it out of their sight. It's like one day they'll have it surgically implanted into them!" I silently replied.

"Knowing whats going on now, that might happen. Do you have a bobby bin or something? Girls in the movies carry those sometimes." Matt asked.

I searched through my pockets. I brushed through money, earbuds for music, my cellphone, gloves, and aha!, a bobby pin. I pulled it out and put it in the lock. I gave it a few spins and the door glided open. We looked around and then went inside.

It was fridged cold in the building. Our breath was fisable. Still, our surrondings were quiet. The two of us walked up the narrow staircase. Up and up it went. Then left. Then left, again. Finally, we made it to the surgical room. I put my gloves on and handed Matthew a pair of gloves. I picked up a utensil they'd use for the procedure. It was still covered in blood. Oddly, the silver handle was still warm.

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