> EPISODE - 6 <

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Why am i blushing??! We both had an awkward silence. And i immedietly stood up. "Err, thank you for catching me." He replied, "No problem." And we both have an another silence "AC," he said. And i looked at him. "You remembered my name, huh?" I murmured. He had this annoyed face on him. BOOM!! He pushed me on the locker and leaned right infront of me. "Don't just walk around like you forgot anything," he said. "Forgot? Well maybe your the one. Ella right? You two make such a good couple." I pushed him and made my way out and that's when i felt a warm hand wrapping around my wrist. "Please, just hear me out." I ignored him and walked away.

On my way home, i'm thinking about some random stuff. And i felt regret. *sigh* "I wish we could just talk properly. "I'm a mile away from my house and that's when i saw a moving truck. "Hmm, that's odd." I quickly ran back home, and that's when i saw a boy wearing our school uniform. I walk towards him. "Uhm, excuse me, are you new here?" When he slowly turned his back.... W... WILL AGAIN?! MY NEIGHBOR?!!"

                             to be continued . . .

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