> EPISODE - 11 <

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I waited for him at the park. Even tho we're neighbor's, i won't just wait for him infront of his house. "AC!" He shouted at the park entrance. I waved at him. I was smiling at first... But now, i was frowning. Ella is with him. And then my face is now a disgust. Ella brought someone with her. I think it's the boy from the girl's comfort room (C.R.). I pretend to smile. "Oh, you brought friendss?" I said pretending not to be annoyed. "Yeah, my girlfriend and err, his brother." You call that ASS face your girlfriend, huh. "Where should we go?" Ella asked. "I was thingking if we could go to the Amusement park," I replied. "As we walk to the Amusement park, i bought some snacks for us. "Here we are." i said. "But where do we start then?," Ella asked. "Oh roller  coaster mist be fun." I said with a twisted look on my face. I asked Ella and her so-called brother to buy the tickets.

My plan's working!;) While they were buying the tickets, I grabbed Will by his T-shirt and ran away from the two. "You idiot better start thinking thinking on your own," I said. "I'm sorry." He replied. My heart fluttered. "Whatever, let's go and have fun!" I told him that while i was smiling. We rode every rides in the park just like what bestfriends do.

Until it was 5pm. "That was so fun!" I said while laughing. He nodded at me with a smile. As we reached our homes, we waved bye-bye to eachother.

And that's when i started to figure out that, i'm starting to fall for Will for the second time.♡

( don't worry about those two, they'll be fine i promise;)

                       to be continued . . .

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