> EPISODE - 14 <

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Today was really peaceful. There's no Will pestering me until... i entered the room. I don't know what's happening but they're whispering something about me and at the same time, they're looking at me. So i quickly got to my seat and looked around. "Yowh guys, what's your problem?," i said with my voice shaking. Someone at my back reached her phone to me. "Are you guys for real?" One of our classmates asked. I was completely shocked. She showed me a picture of Will covering my eyes. That's the same thing on what happend on sunday!! How am i going to handle this situation? That's it. I'll ignore them all like nothing happend.

Oh? I saw Will at the school entrance. That's the first time he's late. Class has started.

Time passed and it is 5 in the afternoon. I was standing by the school entrance waiting for Will. I see him now. Walking towards my way. "Oh, i saw that you're waiting for me," he said. "Like duhh, it's the same everyday." I replied. "Yeah, about that... i won't be able to walk with you. I have Ella with me-"... "Alright then, i'll be on my way now." I interupted him. I left him by the gate and walked myself on home.

As i'm walking, i thought of something. Maybe i shouldn't go. He has Ella watchig him play anyways. Tomorrow is their game, and we don't have school preparing for the football game.


What a day.-^-

                            to be continued . . .

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