> EPISODE - 15 <

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Today is the day. The football game. I'm at my room laying down and looking at the ceiling.

*sighh* "Don't reget." I kept repeating those words because i don't really want to go to the gamee!! I was rolling around the bed and then i took a peak at the window to see if he was there. There i saw at his desk looking outside the window. He immedietly noticed me. There's no way i can hide so i waved at him with a weird smile. He showed me a paper saying, "Are you going?" I just nodded to a no. He kept asking why but i ignored him and hid under the desk. What should i do?!.... i waited 'till afternoon.

Fuck it. I'm going. It's 4:30 in the afternoon and 30 minutes more 'till the game starts. I quickly wore my clothes and ran out of the house leaving a note for mom. The game will be starting in a very few minutes and i ran faster. As soon as i arrived the school, i quickly run to the court and good thing, i arrived here in time. Oh, i see her girlfriend playing as a cheerleader. I looked for a seat where he could see me and i found one. So i took my seat. I shouted, "GO WILL!!!" everytime he scored. But he ran passed through me and our eyes met. It's like the world was in slo-mo.

He was shocked by my appearance. Je just kept playing to the end. They're the Champion!!! I ran to him as he runs to Ella. When we got Ella, she was with the other player and making a scene with the play as if it is his boyfriend. 10th time, it is, i quickly covered Will's eyes as i comfort him. We talked somewhere private and that's when i remembered something....

                             to be continued. . .


Sorry guys from not updating in so many days, becoz i'm so lazy to write and i have so much to do these days that's why i'm so busy and i'm thinking what will happen next from my story, so yeahh. And i hope ya'll readers like my story so far! And thank you for voting and reading this storyyy!! It really mean a lot for me!! And i hope that ya'll are okay and stay safe always and take care always!! I really luv you guyyss!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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