Training for the tournament

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After deciding the rules both the universe majins began their training.

Babidi-" Majin bulma, what can you create which will help my slaves in training."

Majin bulma-" Master I can create gravity rooms upto 1 million that of the earth, It can raise your power level at an extraordinary rate."

Babidi-" Good go and create 1 million gravity room."

Majin bulma-" Yes master."

Bobidi-" What can you do to train? Caulifla and kale."

Majin caulifla-" Master we can fight together against our allies and increase our power."

Bobidi-" Go and train."

Majin cabba-" But caulifla how you can fuse when you don't have potara earings?"

Majin caulifla-" Oh I just forget about that."

Bobidi-" Forget! What do you mean by forget the most important thing. Go and get those potara now. Majin hit go bring potara from kaioshin."

Majin hit-" Yes master."

After that majin hit gone to kaioshin world and attacked supreme kai and brought the potara and now both the teams even gohan, goku and vegeta are training to master ultra instinct.

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