Chapter 1

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Fate. A single word which holds the power to weave or unwind the fragile threads of life. It is often feared in times of uncertainty and indecisiveness. Other times, It's the one holding hopes together and soothing away the painful aches of crippling anxiety.

However, Fate - above everything - is name of the unknown. You can be absolutely sure of your strengths and weaknesses and fate can still blow you away with another tempestuous event. It's another law of life (although, an unfair one) ; "you can never be too sure about anything life throws your way".
Fate has the unpredictable ability to twist and turn certain events in your life, often leaving you flabbergasted and confused.

Such is the tale of two individuals, who had been deceived by Fate and found themselves in the neverending mess of chaos and devastation.


Golden sunshine filtered into the spacious room, slithering like rich streaks of dusty rays through the slots of shuttered windows. The dark velvet curtains were pushed aside as a cheerful voice called out to the man sleeping peacefully on the large rounded bed. Located in the middle of the room, the bed itself was a luxurious master stroke to the marvellous decor of the dark bedroom. The frame had intricate gold patterns which complimented the maroon silkiness of the duvets and sheets; a fine line between something modern and victorian. The said sheets were now crumpled and messy, hanging off the bed, as the person sleeping in it groaned and faced away from the windows.

Shaking her head fondly, she made her way towards her husband, stopping at the edge, near his dangling arm.

"Sasuke-kun." She called out in her soft feminine voice, shaking the man gently as she did so.

The only reply she received was a disgruntled 'hn'. She sighed and shook him more firmly, "Wake up, darling."
He sneaked an eye open to gaze at her beautiful face sleepily. She gave him a dazzling smile and made her way around the room, gathering discarded clothes (from their little makeout last night).

"Get up. You have a flight today- or did you forget?" She stopped and raised a perfect eyebrow at his drowsy face.

"Of course not." His voice was gruff and low as he spoke, watching his wife, his bestfriend, strutting around their room with unbeatable grace. His dark, smouldering eyes followed every seductive shift of her hips as his mind flashed back to the events of previous night.

His mouth left her full lips to drag down the joint between her slender neck and petite shoulders. His hands, on the other hand, manouevred with great skill and experience all over her curvy frame.

"Sasuk--" he cut her off as his lips claimed her mouth again, successfully silencing her protests.

His arms moved to her toned derriere as he hoisted her up and stumbled towards the bed. His hands, hurried and relentless, unclasped her fitted dress, pushing it off her shoulders stopped-

When she suddenly pushed him away.

At his questionable glance, his wife answered, "I'm tired. Not tonight please."

As she moved towards the bathroom, Sasuke didn't stop her.

The memory faded away into oblivion, leaving an aching hollow void in it's place. Sasuke Uchiha was anything but naive. He had noticed the subtle changes in his wife's recent behaviour; the lack of physical attraction, the averted stares, the fake smiles, the need to steer clear of his presence, everything. He had noticed everything. And quite honestly, It was eating away at him subconsciously.

Serendipity || Sasusaku Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin