Chapter 2

60 4 45

22nd September 2019

She woke up to the light pitter-patter of rain thrumming against the wide glass windows. Eyes groggy and hair dishevelled, she slipped out of her plush haven of warm duvets and mushy pillows and padded towards the window sill. As she pushed the cotton curtains aside, a misty grey sky greeted her sleepy gaze. Dark voluminous lumps of stormy clouds veiled the usually crystal blue sky. Omnious claps of lightening flickered between the greyish puffs as large gusts of howling gale rattled the windows of their modest cottage. She inhaled deeply as she leaned against the glass pane and watched the storm unravel.

The unpredictable weather of Konoha had taken another tempestuous turn today.

A few seconds of tranquil solitude passed before a pair of arms encircled her petite stomach and a familiar scent of fresh paint and wood spice enveloped her senses. She sighed in contentment, leaning back into the firm chest of her husband.

"Good morning." She greeted softly.

"G'morning." He mumbled from atop her head, inhaling the floral scent of his wife's soft hair.

There was another interval of comfortable silence before she turned in his arms, gazing at his bottomless black eyes. His head was a mess of dark ebony hair, falling over his eyes. His alabaster skin seemed to compliment his dark features well - albeit oddly. Her gaze fell down to take in the sight of his dirty shirt; stains of colourful paints decorated the front like a strangely pleasing work of abstract art.

"You were painting again."

"I am an artist, afterall." He replied in a calm mirthful tone.

"Wrong." She countered, pointing a finger at his cotton clad chest, "You are an art manager."

"It's the same thing." He smiled as she pursed her lips in mock irritation.

"You are not leaving today, are you?" Her voice took a somewhat hopeful, somewhat hesitant route as she asked the question.

Her fears were amplified when her husband drew back from her and proceed to move away. However, She was a persistent woman; a stubborn and hardheaded one.

"Sai!" She grabbed his arm before he could move away. His muscles were tense and hard underneath her grip.

"You are leaving again, aren't you?" She demanded more aggressively this time.

The only response she received was a tired, "I have a job to do, Sakura."

"And you also have a wife whose happiness is your responsibility!" She walked around him and grabbed a fistful of his tainted shirt.

"That's exactly what I am doing!" He finally snapped, "I am working tirelessly day and night for YOUR sake, so you can attain this lavish lifestyle you are so used to!"

Sakura's eyes widened as she backed away from the man she loved, an unusual surge of fear coursing through her veins. He had never yelled at her like that.

Sai faltered a little when he noticed the subtle shift in her confident behaviour. Immediately, regret and shame wormed their way into his usually emotionless heart. Damn it. She had always held this power over him; the power to make him feel.


"It's our anniversary tomorrow."


At his baffled expression, Sakura's glossy eyes displayed another heartbreaking flash of hurt.

"Our third wedding anniversary."

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