Chapter 6

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Traumatising jolts of hysteria shook her innermost cores as the sleek black phone fell from her hands in an agonizingly slow motion and shattered - the sound of which was drowned out by the raucous cracking of her heart. Her focus slipped away like water does from a sieve, falling down and down into the neverending pits of delirium. She tried to grasp the withering pieces of reality which kept sifting through her muddled brain and yet, the impact of those earth shattering words had inflicted a wound beyond repair. It had crushed her and knocked over every wisp of air from her lungs and she found herself hyperventilating.

She couldn't inhale. Or exhale.

Everything seemed to blur past the conscious realms of her mind; the chatty housewives, the boisterous shopkeepers, the jovial children, the exuberant jingling of bells as customers rushed past her into the cordial shop - all of it seemed to fade away, leaving behind only the incessant echo of those heartwrenching words.

Suddenly Breathing felt like an arduous task.

With a loud thud, she collapsed to the ground, struggling to claw her way out from the harrowing depths which threatened to swallow her whole being. Her hands, clammy and quaky, wound their way into the grainy particles of sand, seeking their comfort. But It didn't help. Nothing would.


No. No. No.

It couldn't be true-

A strangled sob escaped her trembling lips as the first tear of grief slithered down her pale face, hitting the scorching sand beneath. An unbearable pang ran through her heart and her hands instantly flew up, grabbing her chest with painful desperation.

"No--" She choked, curling into her self, trying to tear apart her heart for the pain was too much to endure.

She didn't know how long she sat there, devastated and heartbroken, ignoring the strange glances of passersby and the occasional worry of some bystanders.

Seconds ticked into minutes and finally, a familiar voice - one she had longed to hear a few days ago - called out to her.


Foggy spearmint eyes lifted ever so slightly, grief stricken and tearful, to watch Kankuro sprinting towards her worriedly.


"What the hell happened?" He crouched in front of her, dark eyes glinting with evident concern as they searched her teary ones.

Sakura's addled brain had a hard time processing his words.

What happened?

And then, It finally hit her.


The strident ringing of her cellphone interrupted her public display of vexation.


"Is this Haruno Sakura speaking?"


"I apologise for bothering you madam. I'm Inspector Hayate Gekko from KPF. Do you happen to know a man named Sai?"

Sakura's anger flew out the window as soon she heard the name of her dark haired, alabaster skinned lover. Apprehension filled her nerves as she questioned the officer.

"Yes. He is my husband. Why? Is everything fine?"

"Oh I-" Inspector Gekko seemed to hesitate for a moment, "I'm really sorry for the news I'm about to deliver you... Your husband, Sai, had an accident near the Kingstown Inn located in Hidden Valleys village and.. He has passed away."

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