Chapter 7

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'Things change. And friends leave. But life doesn't stop for anybody.'

Nimble fingers traced the outline of brittle texture of creased paper, dull emerald eyes fixated on a single sentence as if somehow, the words could fill the agonizing void in her heart. It had been one of her old time favourite books; the same words had been her anchor during the calamitous storms of life, but now-

Now their meaning held no semblance nor influence on her.

Folding the wrinkled corner of tinted page, she set the book aside, almost gingerly and then slumped down on her side. She felt drained. Crushed under the weight of devastating loss. Vanquished by the cruel mishaps of fate.

Gone was the Sakura Haruno whose smile was wider than the skies and brighter than the sun.

Now, even the simple task of gazing at white linen sheets seemed arduous.

Fisting the comforting material, she clenched her eyes shut and wondered once again why she had failed to listen to her husband, why she had argued with him, why she had left him alone, why fate has stripped her off her happiness, why has she received a punishment she didn't deserve, why couldn't all of this be an awful nightmare.

Just why.

Her eyes remained devoid of tears and yet, yet, her heart cried out in pain, in anguish, in despair. Wondering why.

A gentle knock interrupted her mourning and she immediately tensed.

"Sakura? Are you up?" Her sister's gentle voice reached her ears and for a moment, she contemplated keeping silent and letting the elder woman leave. But, 'Temari can be very persistent when she wants to be', she thought as there was another knock. Louder than the previous one. Wearily, the pinkette moved towards the shoji door and opened it.

Temari - Temari Nara, she reminded herself - stood before her with a concerned look etched on her elegant features. That day, Her nee-chan had been the first one to wrap protective arms around her trembling sister, whispering sweet consolations in her ear. And maybe that's why she had allowed her sister to be the only solace at this crucial time.

"You haven't eaten since morning. Should I bring your dinner here?"

Sakura shook her head.

Temari opened her mouth (probably to reprimand her for her lack of selfcare) but then seemed to contemplate something and simply sighed.

"Sakura..." She began gingerly, "It's been one week. I know It's not easy - It never will be - but.. please... don't do this to yourself." Her blond brows furrowed as she regarded her younger sister with sympathy.

The pinkette didn't react. Temari felt her heart constrict as she watched her lively imouto so empty, so devoid of life. Reminding herself to be strong for her sister, she spoke again; her voice lighter and yet somehow heavier with emotions this time.

"Sakura... Sai would never want to see you like this."

And this time Sakura did react.

The hollow mask of apathy crumbled into tiny pieces of desolation and suddenly the girl standing before Temari looked every bit of a broken ragged doll and the woman's heart ached terribly at the sight.

Fighting back her own tears, Temari enveloped her precious imouto into a consolatory hug, trying to drown out the agonizing sobs with her quiet reassurances.


They stayed like that for a while; two sisters embracing in the midst of devastating chaos, clinging to each other with heart-rending desperation.
After Sakura's sobs subsided to mere whimpers, Temari pulled her face back to wipe tears from the pinkette's face.

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