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It was 10:07am.

"You cheated..."

~1 hour ago~

Narrator POV

Jimin called Jin saying he wanted to meet up.
Jin invited Jimin to his apartment.
When he arrived, he told him what was happening between Yoongi and Jin.
Jin didn't believe Jimin at first but the more he thought about it, the clearer it was.

Jin didn't know what to feel anymore.
He didn't wanna blame Yoongi; he's well aware he can't satisfy him...
But to the point of him cheating??
It was just too much to handle.
Jimin looked tired.

--C-can I sleep in your room for a bit?-- He said embarrassed.

--Of course, it's fine...-- He signaled Jimin to his room and let him sleep.


--I...-- Yoongi didn't know what to say.

He didn't want to deny it when Jin looked so sure about it.
He didn't want to admit it either since that would mean losing Jin.
He thought back to the moment he was with Hoseok thinking about breaking up with Jin.
He cursed himself for ever thinking he could live without Jin.

--I... I swear I won't do it again!-- Yoongi said, trying not to cry.

Jin was silent and looked completely emotionless.
However, he said something that suprised Yoongi.

--Prove it.

Jin moved closer to Yoongi and placed his lips against his, in a bitter kiss.
Tears fell out, staining his beautiful skin.
Yoongi started crying too but probably not for the same reasons.
He had a hunch of what Jin wanted.

--Let's be together, Yoongi. Just us-- He said, locking eyes with Yoongi.

--Jin...-- Yoongi was now crying non-stop.

--You can do that, right? For me...-- Said Jin, desperately.

He was willing to forgive and forget everything if Yoongi agreed to stop seeing Hoseok.

--Yeah...-- He felt his heart sink.

Yoongi didn't think he'd have to give up his friends for his boyfriend but it was now happening and all because he wanted a little more with Hoseok.

--What's going on?-- Jimin woke up from his nap and saw Jin and Yoongi hugging.

--Good news!-- Said Jin, whipping off his tears with his sleeve.

"Only for you" Yoongi muttered.

--Yoongi and I will now live together and I convinced him to stop seeing Hoseok too! Thank you, Jimin. For telling me the truth in time.

Jimin looked like he wanted to be swallowed by the floor right now.

--Jimin... You knew...and you told him?

--...But it's all good now, right?-- Jimin thought he'd get beat up by Yoongi any minute now.

Though that wasn't gonna happen. Yoongi couldn't show he was hurt or mad. He's the one that cheated, after all. He was supposed to be happy now that he got Jin back. So he limited to just glare at Jimin.


--So you guys are still together, huh?-- Jimin asked, for confirmation.

--Hehe, yep!-- Jin grabbed Yoongi by the waist, pulling him closer.

--Ah, I see... Then my work here is done-- He wore his usual fake smile.

Jimin left and got in his car, but didn't drive off.
He just stayed there, clenching the steering wheel.
He started crying as he realized his plan failed miserably.
Well, he got one part done; which was getting him to leave Hoseok.

But he was still with Jin.
And Jimin didn't want that.
He wanted to keep Yoongi to himself.
He was his only real friend but he barely had time for him due to his boyfriend and his ex-side hoe since that's what Jimin liked to call him.

Jimin wasn't going to give up though.
"This is just the beginning" he told himself, drying his tears.
He'll see that no one deserves Yoongi more than he does.
He wasn't gonna lose his friend that easily.
Not while he can still do something about it.

~The next day~

Hoseok POV

I woke up and checked my phone, and I had 2 messages from Yoongi.

Yoongi: Hoseok... I'm sorry I have to say this through text but I couldn't face you. I'm letting Jin live with me and I won't see you anymore. I told Jin I wanted to make things right with him and decided to cut ties with you...

Yoongi: Once again, I'm sorry but this had to be done. I hope you find someone who actually loves you and doesn't use you. I'm sorry for whatever pain I caused you, goodbye.

I couldn't even text him back.
I couldn't describe how I felt right now.
I blamed myself for taking him there.
I blamed myself for encouraging him to give it his all.
I could only hope for his happiness.
Hopefully he'll be happier with him.
That's the only way I'll let him go.

~Time skip~

Namjoon POV

I was walking down the street where Seokjin lived.
I wanted to see what he was up to from afar.
I wasn't really planning on talking to him until I saw him come down the stairs with a suitcase.

I was a little, just a little, curious of where the hell he was going.
I wasn't completely sure Seokjin was his name yet so I tested it.


He turned around and once he saw me, he looked down and continued to walk down the stairs silently.

--Are you ignoring me??-- I was getting annoyed now.

But once again, he stayed quiet and walked towards a large car.
I saw a small mint-haired guy inside, with his head out the window.

I saw a small mint-haired guy inside, with his head out the window

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"Jin's boyfriend?" I asked myself.

Suddenly I made a different story in my head.
I began thinking maybe his boyfriend was the overprotective type and that he wanted Jin to move with him to keep him away from me and other possible distractions.

It can't be the other way around.
I felt bad for him but I couldn't get in the way of his relationship again.
So I just did a full 180 and started walking away til I heard him talk.


I turned around almost immediately.
He looked at me shyly.
"Cute" I thought to myself.
Wait, what? Shit, I must be high...

--I know this is sudden but I'm moving in with my boyfriend so I don't think I'll be able to see you again... Not that I had hopes for it but, you know... Goodbye...

And with that, he got in the car and it drove off.
I sighed and walked away.
In the back of my mind I hoped to see him again but I'll never admit that.

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