"You know you're cute, right?"

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                    Narrator POV

In the end, Namjoon gave in and had sex with Jimin.
What he didn't know was that Jimin videotaped him, for the plan he had in mind.
When he finished, he took Jin to his house.

--Um... Thanks for saving me...-- Said Jin timidly while Namjoon scoffed in return.

--That's stupid. You're thanking me for something anyone in the right mind would do. It's even a policemen job.

--But you're no policemen... You're a hero...-- Jin smiled and Namjoon started to blush.

--Can you... maybe not say things like that, out of the blue?

--Okay then...-- Jin giggled.

--Also... What was the favor you had to do for Jimin?

--Oh, that... You don't have to worry about it...

--Is it that bad? Did he hurt you?-- Jin ran up to Namjoon and cupped his face.

--Please, tell me he didn't do anything to you...-- He added.

--Jin, it's... Nothing really...

--Well, if you say so...-- Jin didn't seem to sure about that but Namjoon seemed fine so he let it slide.

--...You know you're cute, right?-- Admitted Jin.


Namjoon was going to object to that but when he turned around, he was received by Jin's soft lips on his.
He was suprised at first, but then he started to follow up and continue the kiss, making it more intense.
They began making out, one thing led to another and before you knew it, they were both on Namjoon's bed, stripping their clothes off.

--Jin, this will sound weird but are you sure you wanna do this..?

--You don't want to??

--N-no, I do, I was just making sure...

Jin giggled and pulled Namjoon in for a hug.

--I'll be fine...-- Jin said as he kissed him again.

His hands traveled from his chest to his hips and slightly squeezed Namjoon's butt.
Namjoon pulled away in shock and confusion.

--Woah there! What are you doing??

--I thought you'd like that-- Said Jin teasingly.

--What?? No i don't!

--Well, you're friend is saying the opposite...--Said Jin, signaling Namjoon's lower half with his eyes.

--Just... Ugh, shut up...-- Namjoon said, blushing like crazy.

--Ooh, shut me up for a change...

--Wow, didn't think you had it in you-- He teased Jin.

--Hey! I can flirt too...

--Yeah, I just witnessed it-- Namjoon kiss Jin passionately, making love to him.

                     ~The next day~

                       Seokjin POV

I woke up and grabbed my phone to check the time.
It was 12:36pm.
I overslept; which was unusual for me.
I noticed I wasn't in my bed and suddenly remembered everything that had happened yesterday.
How I was kidnapped and how I had sex with Namjoon.



As I tried organizing my thoughts, my phone vibrated and I saw I had a message from Yoongi.

"Ugh, what does he want?" I thought to myself as I unlocked the phone to check the message that appeared to be a video.
I played the video and turns out it was a sex tape.
I was about to stop watching until I noticed it was Namjoon with Jimin.

--What the fuck?-- I said out loud and Namjoon ran to my room to figure out why I cursed.

--Jinnie, what's wrong??

I looked at Namjoon while the video still played and we could hear the moans in the background but neither of us said anything.
We were just staring at eachother.
Well, I was actually glaring at him while he looked like a little rabbit in panic.
Something I would've thought was cute if I hadn't just seen him fuck my soon-to-be ex's best friend.

--Jinnie, I can explain, trust me...

--No, Joon, you don't need to explain anything because I know exactly what this is.
This was the favor, wasn't it?
This is what you hid from me...
But why? We're you ashamed of it?
We're you afraid I'd hate you??
Because you literally FUCKED ME RIGHT AFTERWARDS.
You touched me with the same goddamn hands, Joon!
Did you think of him while fucking me? DID YOU!?-- I snapped.

--Jinnie, please, no- It meant nothing!

--Then why didn't you tell me!?

--You just said it- I thought you'd hate me!


There was a long silence after that.
It wasn't an awkward silence; it was a reflective one. Where both of us just stood there thinking about our bad decisions.

--Joon, I wouldn't have hated you if you told me the truth right then and there... But you hid it from me...
You didn't trust me enough and that's where you messed up and...

Another long pause.

--And what..?-- Said Namjoon hesitant.

--I think... we should stop doing this... No, I dont think- I'm sure about it. We both need space. I was just kidnapped and you just- I don't even know what you'd call whatever you did, so that's that...

--Jinnie, don't do this. I-

--Please, don't call me that... I'm leaving now. Make your own breakfast or call Jimin, I dont care-- I was about to get up until I realized my ass hurt like hell.

--He cant- Ugh, nevermind, lemme help you...-- He said, while walking towards me.

--No- Just get out. I'll handle this, shoo shoo!

He left me to get dressed and once I did, I left while he was in the bathroom.
I couldn't see his face, it hurt to much.
"Why is every guy I meet fucked up?" my mind wandered until i realized now wasn't the time to worry about that since I still had to call Jungkook to pick me up first.
Once he got here, he hugged me tightly.

--JIN! I was worried sick! You weren't here yesterday after you called me to pick you up, where were you!?

--It's a long story- Just, please, take me to your house, I'll tell you there...

--Oh um okay...

                      ~Time Skip~

I told him everything and he ended up crying more than me.
"What a baby" I thought and I think he read my mind 'cause he slapped my arm.

--Don't make fun of me, I dont know how you're still alive!

--Jungkook, you're so dramatic sometimes, I swear-- I teased him.

--No, I'm not! Anyways... what are you gonna do now?

--Well, I dont know that yet... I guess I'll stay at your house for now...

--Sounds good... You know, if I were you, I'd get the hell out of here-

--Wait, that's it!

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