"What are you doing here?"

17 2 0

Narrator POV


--J-jin... you're back...-- Said Jungkook.

--I guess it was a suprise, huh?-- Jin said, before running out of Jungkook's house.

He called an Uber and sat on the stairs waiting for it to arrive.
When it did, he told the driver the location of the bar he always went to.
Once he arrived, he got out and sat at a table, far from the crowd.
He saw a familiar figure heading towards him.
It was Namjoon.
"It's fine, a year passed, calm down" he told himself.

--Hey, long time, no see. Where ya been?

--Just out...

Namjoon just waited there, signaling Jin to continue and tell him the details.

--Well, I had a little vacation in New York... Aaand now im a model.


--Joonie, there you are!

Namjoon couldn't finish his sentence because of the high pitched voice that had called him.
Jimin approached the two and didn't seem shocked to see Jin again or was completely ignoring him; he couldn't tell.

--Joonie, we can leave now, right?

Jin was just sitting there in shock and disgust.
How could Namjoon still talk with Jimin after the kidnapping?
How much of an idiot was he!?

--Jimin, can you give us a minute, please?

--I...-- Jimin couldn't say anything else.

He left the table, annoyed and confused.
He couldn't understand what Namjoon had seen in Jin.
Why would he prefer Jin over him?
Actually, he knew exactly why.
He just hated thinking about it.

He couldn't stand his past.
What he went through with Namjoon.
The most horrible day of his life, followed by a chaotic breakup for then to months later get him to sleep with him only for the sake of Jin...
Luckily, Namjoon forgave him eventually.
But Jin was now back and he knew his relationship wouldn't last with him around...

--Jin, I know you're probably very confused right now but if you hear me out-

--Oh, get to the fucking point already!-- Jin spat and Namjoon just shook his head nervously.

--I forgave Jimin... for everything... He promised not to act on impulse again and to not mess around with others-

--Mess around with others? What are you talking about?-- Jin interrupted.


--You never told me he cheated on you.

--Well, it's a long story...

--Thinking about it, you never told me why you guys broke up in the first place.

--That's... really none of your business...

--You're right, It isn't. I should stop caring what goes on in your life. If you wanna be with a cheater or a kidnapper then so be it! Maybe even roleplay that you're being held hostage; does that shit sound arousing to you!?

People were starting to stare.
Some recognized Jin and others started taking out their phones to record everything.

"Fuck this, im not gonna get fired 'cause of a dumbass" Jin thought to himself.
He picked up his stuff and ran out of there.
He wanted to get out of there so fast, he crossed the street without looking both ways.
Before he knew it, a car passed by and ran him over.
The car stopped and the couple ran out to see Jin.
That's when Namjoon realized that the couple was none other than Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok.

Because of his Secrets [Namjin]Where stories live. Discover now