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"aaaaa may i request a headcanon where tsukki and yams have a friend who turns the three of them into an iconic trio™, and they like to go swimming? but tsukishima's lowkey sca r e d to go on the diving boards. is that too much detail qwq i'm still kinda confused on what headcanons are n stuff ( also posted it on the server shh )"


thanks for requesting! i hope these are okay and i always love seeing someone from the server!! < 3 i wasn't sure if you wanted headcanons on more of the platonic or romantic side so i kinda kept it in the middle/did both! 



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-oh please help him he's terrified of the diving board. 

-this beanpole, who's usually emotionless, surprised you when he suddenly went pale after you forced him to get on the top of the diving board.

-"what's wrong, tsukki? are you scared?" / "shut up, [name]." 

-you end having to puSH HIM OFF

- in his panic, he grabs you and drags you down with him, hugging you like a terrified teenager after watching a horror movie

- he looks like a drowned cat and says he'll never be able to forgive you.

-to make it up to him, you buy him a slice of strawberry shortcake from the desert bar. 

-he's still a little pissy, but he could never stay mad at you for long. 

-he tends to like the hot tub the most. the crazy slides and diving boards aren't his thing, unlike yamaguchi. 

-if you two are dating, his favorite thing to do is chill in the hot water and listen to music with his lover. 

-he loves to relax. when you want to do crazy slides, you go with yamaguchi. 

-whether you're friends or dating, sometimes, Tsukki gets kind of jealous that you're spending more time with Yamaguchi, so he begrudgingly agrees to go on the crazy rides, just to impress you. 

-eventually, you'll drag him to the big pool and splash him. he pretends to be annoyed, but he secretly thinks it's cute how excited you get. 

-you love chicken fighting for the sole reason that you get to sit on this beanpole's shoulders and feel what it's like to be tall. 

-he hates it, but sometimes he just can't say no to you. 

-when you're on tsukki's shoulders, yamaguchi always loses. 

-tsukki gets out of the pool earlier than you and yamaguchi bc he gets bored pretty fast, and wants to relax on the pool deck for some time.

- after he's fully dried off and sitting in a pool chair, you emerge from the pool, soaking wet, your arms out for a hug.

"[name] nOO!"you hug him an he's soaking wet all over again with that annoyed look on his face. ahh, we love it.

- he has dinosaur swim trunks and a dinosaur towel.

- in fact, he was the only one who brought a towel. and sunscreen. he's the most prepared and responsible, so you and yamaguchi ended up having to borrow his towel. 


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- is super super excited to spend time with his two best friends!! like precious baby

- his favorite thing to do is go on the fun waterslides! as long as they aren't too scary!

- on waterslides where two people can go at a time, he hugs you and you two go down while you're sitting between his legs! it's adorable 

- he's okay with the diving board, but only if you're up there with him to give him moral support. 

- you and yamaguchi tease tsukki for being scared of the board- whoops big mistake, now you two are speeding away from the glowering blonde as the lifeguard blows his whistle and yells 'no running!' 

- he buys you lots of snacks to make you happi : ) 

- you two love to have little splash wars, and its so cute to other people watching, especially if you two are dating. 

- you two basically act like excited puppies while tsukki babysits (annoyed) 

- he ends up getting sunburnt really badly across his nose : ( so you put some aloe vera on it for him! and then (if you're dating) he asks you for a kiss to make it feel better aww

- he has chibi crows on his swimming trunks!


- if you're dating and comfortable enough with each other, after you get home, he gets in the shower with you (nothing sexual) and helps you wash the chlorine out of your hair! it's an innocent and intimate moment for you two : ) 

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