bnha matchup for @xpotatocatx

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Hi! Can I request a match-up if you have the time? I'm 6'5 and a girl, I'm pan(?) but I have a preference for guys.I have Light brown long wavy hair, brown eyes and a rather slim body and slightly tan skin.

I like drawing, listening to music, Videogames, Memes and animals (Cats are my fave pets). I'm a ambivert and a Virgo (Sun Moon and Rising) but i'm more like a Gemini and/or Cancer.

I can be a bit pushy, and clingy and just really touchy feely in general (if the other person is ok with it). I've grown pretty quiet over the years but if i'm close with someone i'm a loud fucker. I love adventures and trying new things/foods. I go to a children and Youth club regularly and love to meet new people, i have a short fuse tho. I'm loyal, overprotective and get jealous easily. I have a good intuition and trust my gut feeling if i think somethin's off. My friends say that i'm kind, TOO kind. My sleep schedule is fucked up on weekends and holidays and i'm basically sleeping at daytime rn. If I have a project of any kind i'm passionate about i go ALL OUT, i overcome my laziness and sit hours working my ass off (mostly if it's for someone else). I try to communicate any problems I have in a relationship (of any kind besides my mom, my mom sucks) to resolve any problems before they escalate. I more often than not am caught up in my own world and don't notice whats happening around me and I just started rollerblading. Even tho I have a short fuse, I cool down just as fast and I'm very forgiving if the person is truly sorry.

when I'm Home Alone™ i enjoy singing to my favourite songs. I always stand up for my friends, i goof around a lot, act like an idiot pretty often, loose my train of thought all the time and have problems explaning them. Over all I'm Adaptable and open for new stuff anytime.

I hope this isn't too long, I love your writing and I hope you stay healthy and safe! thank you in advance! \(*^∇^*)/ ❤



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- the two of you met in the cutest way!

- you and shinsou knew each other from school, but you officially met at a pet store when you were buying things for your cats/cat-sitting your neighbor's cat if  you don't have any. 

- you both reached for the same bag of cat food, and your hands awkwardly touched-- it was like right out of a romance book, but of course, more awkward. 

- of course, being a gentleman, he let you take the bag and took another one 

- "[Name], I didn't know you were fond of cats." / "I love cats!" 

- shinsou tends to be antisocial, but he gets close with you relatively quickly, and eventually he realizes he has a huge crush on you and he's confused with his emotions aww- 

- the two of you love to go to each other's houses and play video games together after school. 

- during these times you get kind of touchy with him, like affectionately tackling with hugs or grabbing his hand in victory when the two of you win duos. 

- and these touchy-feely things make him c r a z y inside, but he finds himself craving more, because it's you. if it were anyone else, he would bitch slap them to the moon LMAO

- because the both of you have a messed up sleep schedule, you send each other memes at like 2 am, and they are the highlight of his day. 

- and when you two are finally dating you visit each other at the weirdest hours, like you literally show up to his house at 3 am to play with his cats and cuddle with him and nobody questions it- 

- since shinsou is relatively calm, he can handle your hotheadedness, and when he sees you opening up to and becoming louder around him, he begins to open up to you as well. 

- he loves how you communicate problems in your relationships. it makes being with him easier, since he tends to avoid problems. 

- he literally thinks you're the cutest thing ever. he'll stare at you sometimes and smiles to himself, which is something not a lot of people have gotten to see. 

- like when you lose your train of thought, when you're struggling to explain something, when you're dancing around the kitchen, he'll cherish these moments because it's these mundane moments where he realizes how much he loves you

- you two have cute aesthetic dates like picnics during the sunset or rollerblading in a neon lit roller rink 

- he might not seem like it but once you two have been dating for a while, he becomes a cheesy romantic like gives you flowers/chocolates/stuffed animals before dates.

- he also opens the door for you because he's so sweet omg. 

- since shinsou is kind of standoffish to others, he makes sure NOBODY takes advantage of your kindness, and he is also fiercely protective over you in a good way. 

- your passion for certain projects continues to inspire him and motivate him as well, yet another quality he adores about you. 

- his favorite place to kiss you is on the forehead or the neck. 

- he rolls his eyes but laughs when you complain that his hair is tickling your skin- 

- his favorite thing to do with you is hold you in his arms on his bed while you two are half-asleep, napping while the sunlight soaks into your skin. 

- the cats are casually napping around near your feet and he's the big spoon, his face comfortably against your back as he warms you up. it's so quiet and serene

- absolutely loves it when you play with his hair. you're the only one who's allowed to touch it. 

- can't help but think of how excited he is for a future with you. 

*°:⋆ₓₒ[it's a match!]ₓₒ⋆:°*

omg i'm sO sorry this took so long but I hope you like it! thank you sm for requesting! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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