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-Monday of week 7-

Ethan had been quite successful over the weekend in ridding himself of any Emma related thoughts... so long as he stuck strictly to watching 'Asian' porn. In truth he loved all porn, but this was one of the few he could count on that wouldn't be starring any ombred, blue-eyed brunettes to remind him of his inappropriate desire for Emma. By the time Monday rolled around, he found himself rejuvenated and raring to go back to work, especially after scheming new ways in which to torture his favorite victim with.

He walked straight past the outdoor training that was taking place and into the quiet of his office. Settling behind the desk with a cup of coffee, he waited for everyone to come back inside. As soon as Grayson showed up and they relieved both Jace and Elliot, the soldiers would be hitting the showers before heading to chow. There's nothing he liked better than to interrupt Emma in the middle of shower time, make her get dressed in under two minutes, then take her outside and roll her in the mud.

The second he thought about that, her body all naked, covered in bubbles as she lathered her breasts had his feet unconsciously carrying him towards the window to find her. Sipping his java, the steam curled around his nose as he narrowed his eyes to find his platoon. There they were. Jace had them in a circle doing sand bag drills. Six out of the twenty soldiers had extremely heavy burlap bags filled with sand they were to hand off to the soldier on their right. Starting with three individuals on each side of the circle, they would hand the sacks off as fast as they could until one person ended up with two, thereby forcing progressively more and more weight to make their arms stronger. It was the only purpose it served, to build muscle.

"What is he doing?" he asked himself out loud. Elliot walked away to go chat with Kira, leaving Jace to run the drill by himself. No sooner had he done that and Jace was happily blowing away at his whistle, making them reverse direction rapidly while talking and smiling away, telling them something that had everyone laughing like they were having a good time. They weren't supposed to have fun, they were supposed to be grunting, sweating from the effort, getting so tired that one of the females would inevitably be the first to drop a sandbag, forcing them to start all over again. Usually that female was Cham... wait a minute, where was Emma?

Taking a visual head count, he found there were only nineteen people present. His eyes quickly scanned the other two groups but she was nowhere to be seen. Hmmm, maybe she got in trouble, earned herself a little corrective training. There was another pleasant thought; that he would be adding to whatever punishment one of the other drills had already given her.

He turned around and walked back to his desk in time to see Grayson walk into the office.

"What's the word, my brother from another mother? Did you relax this weekend, unloaded the tension from this place with a little fishing? Golf? Skeet shooting perhaps?"

Ethan shook his head before taking another sip from his mug. Oh, he unloaded more than a little something this weekend, but the tension he felt was still present... sexual tension that is. Once he'd gotten his fill of making Emma suffer however, he'd be feeling much better.

"Didn't do much of anything really. Sat in front of the tv most of the time." He lied.

"Aside from watching Pooh twice in a row with Lilly, did you catch any good flicks?"

Yup, let's see, there was 'Land of the Rising cum', 'Crouching Twat Hide my Dragon', 'Shanghaied at Noon' and of course, his personal favorite '69, How Two Can Chew'.

"Just catching up on 'Passions'." He watched Grayson shake his head and smile. "What?"

"You and soap operas. Who woulda guessed?" He chuckled.

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